Fanworks Tagged with Elrond

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A last letter unsent by Aprilertuile

Alone on the shore, after Sauron's defeat, Maglor watches a ship leave Middle Earth and writes in a notebook a letter that he would never send.

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Master of My Blood by Cheeky

A boy loses his father then spends a lifetime trying to find him. When Finrod walked out of Nargothrond what exactly did he leave behind?


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The Captive by Glorified

This is a story about love's redemptive power, the restoration of hope and belief, it is a slow burn and deals with the the outcasts of society who don't fit in. When two lost  and lonely people meet and fall in love they have to navigate an Elvish society that is not quite as fair minded and open as one would think, in fact its down right xenophobic and judgmental and prejudiced. 

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Kingdom of Flowers by daughterofshadows

A short ficlet about Elrond and Celebrían in the gardens of Imladris and their hopes for the future.

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On and on and ever ever on by UnnamedElement

Elrond and Elros are left without parents; found by their folks' murderers in the ruins of Sirion; taken from the havens of their childhood to wander elsewhere and abroad. And yet, not all is lost--love grows, leaders are raised, pain is endured. Lives transform.

A character study in the key of complex trauma.

Havens rise elsewhere. e

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This is a Writing fanwork

Elrond to Maglor by Himring

Elrond, looking back.

" grew after between them, as little might be thought..."

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Threat by firstamazon

Double-drabble written for the instadrabbling session on the SWG Discord server with the prompts: children, unlikely, discovering, weird.

This counts 200 words in Word.

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Drabbles and one-shots by firstamazon

Drabbles and one-shots written for instadrabbling sessions on the SWG Discord server.

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The Divine Hour by jamcake_muses

An unseasonably large snowstorm causes Gil-galad to fret about their upcoming March to Mordor.

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Tattered and Split by StarSpray

The sea is huge, and grey, and loud, and Elwing hates it. She hates it and she fears it, and so once she is old enough to slip away from her nurses and her guardians, she goes down to the beach.

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It'll All Be Clear by StarSpray

Eluréd and Elurín return to Imladris after their search for Daeron, but all is not well with them.

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The Bowman from Greenwood by Russandol

All of my Silmfic stories featuring Legolas are in this collection, ordered chronologically.</p><p>Please heed the warnings for each individual story.

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A Star Shines On The Hour Of Our Meeting by Ysilme

Maglor wanders. Elrond dreams of Maglor and goes on a search.

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RAFA \'verse by Independence1776

The RAFA \'verse is a series set around \"Rise Again From Ashes,\" a tale in which Maglor returns to Valinor in the Seventh Age. The series is complete and listed in suggested reading order, though the other stories chronologically take place before RAFA. Not all are in the main Maglor-and-Elrond-centric storyline.

Please pay attention to the warnings and ratings; they vary by story.

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A Wild Tangle of Stones and Vines by Independence1776

An attempt to write for all of SWG’s 2019 challenges in a ‘verse where Celebrían is rescued immediately and therefore doesn’t sail West and Maglor settles in Rivendell.

The series is complete. Nine of the eleven challenges were written in this series; the other two challenges appeared in other fics.

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Series: Beyond Doubt by Keiliss

Everything that belongs in the Even Quicker than Doubt \'verse.

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A Question... by Raiyana

The Life and Times of Erestor, Vampire.

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Flawless by Ilye

How does one bear scars?

That all depends on who you are and how you earned them. Through an ever-growing number of standalones, the Flawless universe explores the relationships of Fingon and Maedhros, Gil-galad and Glorfindel, and Elrond and Celebrian in the context of the events in the Silmarillion. 

For consistency\'s sake, the narrative uses Sindarin names. Please see individual stories for warnings and ratings, but you\'ll be pretty safe if you assume an overall R-rating and plenty of slash.

Note: Flawless originally started off, some years ago, as a story of Glorfindel\'s rebirth in Lindon in mid-Second Age. It\'s now in the process of serious revision, so please suspend all disbelief if you ever read it in its first life and treat it as an entirely new being.

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Cards by Lferion

Maglor making do in the modern world.


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Mathoms - Drabbles and Ficlets for many occasions by Ysilme

Drabbles and ficlets written for exchanges, challenges and as gifts.

Time, place and source is likely to change throughout the series.

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Elemental by Ysilme

Maglor's wanderings in the Second Age and his reconnecting with Elrond.

Note: All parts of the series have been inspired by or written for one of the Back to Middle-earth Month prompts and challenges at some point.

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in SPACE! by Agelast

Two stories from my Silmarillion space AU. 

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The Dragonverse by Ysilme

Spanning the First to Fourth Age, the life of Thranduil Oropherion, King of the Woodelves and Slayer of a Dragon.

My tales mostly follow book canon with smatterings of the Peter Jackson movies, most notably in Thranduil having fought a Dragon in his youth and having the scars to prove it.

The series consists, at the moment, of the two main stories about Thranduil, The Wrath of Dragon Fire and The King of the Forest. The third story, Midwinter in Eryn Galen , centers around a young Aragorn visting Thranduil\'s Halls for the first time, and Legolas.

For obvious reasons, only The Wrath of Dragon Fire has been posted at the SWG; you can find he other stories on the Archive of Our Own.

Reading order:

1. The Wrath of Dragon Fire
2. The Best Night of my Life
3. The King of the Forest
4. Midwinter in Eryn Galen

Publishing order:

1. The Wrath of Dragon fire : late First and early Second Age, Thranduil/Gildor, written for MSV 2014. A tale about Thranduil\'s youth in Beleriand and first love.

2. Midwinter in Eryn Galen : late Third Age, Aragorn/Legolas, written for LotR SeSa 2014. A young Aragorn comes to the Greenwood for the first time to see the home of his friend Legolas, also hoping for another first to happen.

3. The King of the Forest : late Third Age, about two decades earler than Midwinter in Eryn Galen , Thranduil/Celeborn, written for MSV 2015. After the Battle of the Five Armies, Thranduil nearly breaks in dealing with the aftermath of their losses at the battle.

4. The Best Night of my Life: a little ficlet taking place after The Wrath of Dragon Fire, written for the International Day of Slash Tarot Challenge at the Library of Moria.

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Maitimo and Findekáno by oshun

Stories written within the same universe and story arc. The featured characters are Fingon and Maedhros but also includes at various points most of the Finweans and their descendants. (Many, but far from all, of these stories include mature themes. Please see individual stories for ratings.)

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Burning Bright by Keiliss

About the war between Sauron and the elves, the hiding of the rings of power, and the appeal to Númenor for aid. And wherever else it decides to to go next.

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