Fanworks Tagged with Maglor

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Himling Isle by Himring

During the Third Age, Maglor returns to Himling, the island which was the top of Himring Hill in the First Age.

His contemplations are interrupted by unexpected visitors.

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They Choose the Path by Lotrfan

The Sons of Fëanor react to the news that their brother has been taken hostage by Morgoth.

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Nowhere Man by Lotrfan

What happened to Maglor after he cast the Silmaril into the sea? Modern setting AU with Maglor in our times, after ages of wandering the earth.

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A Song in the Darkness by Zdenka

Maglor still makes music, and Maedhros listens, when it is all they have left.

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Lost and Found by Zdenka

With the Silmaril lost, Maglor is driven by Elwing’s words to look for her children.

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Hope For No Safety by Zdenka

Elwing's defiance at the Havens of Sirion.

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Song of Myself by Beansidhe

How did Maglor pass Age after Age, never returning to the Elves or coming to their attention? My own musings on what might have happened.....

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Three Sentence Fics: Tolkien by Zdenka

A collection of fills written for rthstewart's 3 Sentence Ficathon in 2013 and 2015, for Tolkien-based prompts. (Mostly Silmarillion, with one for Farmer Giles of Ham and Sir Orfeo, and one non-Tolkien crossover.)

Chapters 2 & 3: More Tolkien-based fills written for caramelsilver's 3 Sentence Ficathon in 2016 and 2017.

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smile, for your lover comes by Agelast

Prodigal, you have given me love – therefore I to you give love!
O unspeakable passionate love.

Maedhros navigates new realities -- with the help of Fingon and Maglor.

Written for Smut Swap 2016. 

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A Lament for Bridges by SilmarilsAndPeaches

While wandering, Maglor reflects upon his decisions.

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The Hardest Part by Ginger

The night before Fëanor and his sons leave for Formenos, nerdanel remembers her life with her husband and ponders the choice she made not to follow him in exile and how it'll change all their lives. She tries to find hope and courage in the midst of resenment, distress and determination.
Inspired by October 2013 challenge "Turning Point."

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Her Black Prince Vorandil Aglamir by JT Tomas

Kyron Tramell is a black high school student waking up everyday in a caged life of cocaine fumes, gunshots and abuse at the hands of thugs and a drug addicted stepfather. Then one day he opens his eyes to a magical reality. Kyron's a changeling, the son of a Noldorin Prince will his heritage & romance save him from the vengeance his heart craves for past bullies?

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One star less by Ariana

Shortly about burning ships in Losgar according to "The Peoples of Middle-Earth"

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And They Looked Up and Saw a Star by grey_gazania

After the Third Kinslaying, Maedhros and Maglor take Elwing's twin sons captive.

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Fistful of Swoons by Agelast

Fingon arrives in Formenos on a clandestine mission -- to spend some time with his cousin, Maedhros. Written for My Slashy Valentine 2016, for Nuredhel.

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Maps by grey_gazania

Fingon, Caranthir, and the aftermath of Maedhros' capture by Morgoth.

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Maudits silmarils : maudit AU by Dilly

Recueil de mini-épisodes et drabbles dans un univers alternatif moderne de la fanfiction Maudits Silmarils. Nouveaux chapitres.

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Bone-deep by Agelast

Maglor in balladry -- a crossover with the ballad, The Twa Sisters. 


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The Master of Mirecourt by The Wavesinger

A young luthier is apprenticed to the one they call the Master.

(Written for Independence1776 for Fandom Stocking)

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Reminders by Elleth

One winter in Eriador, Maglor receives a summons to Imladris for the season, and finds more than he bargained for along the way.

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Animal Skins by Ilye

AU in which Celegorm is captured by Morgoth instead of Maedhros, and rescued by Aredhel instead of Fingon.

“Well, brothers? Aren’t you going to ask me what kind of creature I am today?”

Silence. A cleared throat; an awkward shifting of weight. Aredhel rolled her eyes, but the drama was his alone and he was going to savour it.

“Ask me,” he pushed, then again more loudly when still no answer came, “Ask me!”

“Well tell us, then,” sniped Curufin from the back of the room, then affected a sing-song. “What kind of creature are you today, Tyelko?”

“Today…” he grinned, and the distance grew greater between him and them. “Today, I’m a Celegorm.”

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An Unexpected Welcome by Independence1776

They stared at their father and then at Maglor. Arwen eventually said, “Welcome to Imladris.”

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The Rarest Flowers Blossom in Winter by Sleepless_Malice

For many years Elrond has already desired Maglor, and for nearly as long he thinks he runs after unrequited feelings – until one night in winter he finds out that he is gravely mistaken.

[warning for pseudo-incest]

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Discrete Elements by pandemonium_213

A catch-all for short ficlets, largely centering on yet another OFC in the Pandë!verse, namely Culinen (referenced in various fics, including The Elendilmir and The Writhen Pool), who eventually becomes the master of the Guild of the Heart (healers' guild) in Ost-in-Edhil, and who contributes to the "eldritch alleles" of J. Robert Oppenheimer, Hypatia of Alexandria, and Hedy Lamarr (among others!) in the alternative history of the Pandë!verse.

Ratings will be given per chapter.

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