Fanworks Tagged with Melkor

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Dark Prince ~ The Darkness Has Its Own Light by Spiced Wine

Vanimórë, son of Sauron, was born in the shadows of Tol-in-Gaurhoth. A plaything, a slave, a warrior, he was bound to his father\'s mind, and tempered as a weapon of the Dark over thousands of years.

They forged better than they knew.

Trained in the pits of Angband, Vanimórë could command armies, kill without conscience, and he could hate those he served. But he would not break for them. The blood of the Eldar ran strong in him. His path was inextricably linked to some of the most famed and tragic of the Elves, and lead to a destiny he could never have imagined.

The Darkness –
– has its own Light.

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The Secret Chronicles of the Ainur by Russandol

All of my stories about the Valar and the Maiar. Most of them derived from Chasing Mirages.

Ratings and warning for individual stories vary, please check.

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Might Arising by Aerlinniel

A collection of Silmarillion events focusing on Melkor and from his perspective.

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Forging Arda by MisbehavingMaiar

Sometime in the winter of 2012 when I was home for the holidays, I picked up the Silmarillion again and fell down the rabbit hole. I ended up having a very vivid dream about the origins of Sauron/Mairon the Maiar, and his time spent in the service of Aulë the Smith. The first six pages were completed over the course of 2013; my goal was to preserve some of that original dream-material into a comic, but I also wanted to explore some of the empty margins in the history of these characters, simply because there was a lot about Middle Earth theology that frustrated me a great deal; and I felt like the motivations of a lot of the \'dark\' characters were not explored in the books to my satisfaction.

I realize now that \"Re-exploring\" the dark side of Tolkien\'s mythos is a fairly common pursuit of Silm fans, and Sauron and Melkor have both been re-imagined, justified, explained, deconstructed, and reconstructed by many more capable brains than mine long before I ever cracked open the first pages.

But it\'s too late for me now-- the dark lords have firmly rooted themselves in my brain and demand that I keep exploring their motivations and their relationships, and I\'ve become addicted to drawing their stupid faces (and other parts). 

That said: here are the much-edited first six pages of my first Silmarillion-related project, that first got my foot in the door of the fandom. 

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not love, but worship. by esquitor

he inspires in others what he feels within himself.

admiration. respect. love. worship. (for melkor.)

fear. regret. despair. (for the valar.)

betrayal. (his own.)

a collection of writings on mairon, and how he becomes what he will become.

(a fancy way of saying how i explore headcanon for the gazillion years of mairon\'s life until the end of the world)

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The Last Scion of Tevildo by Lindariel

What happens to the offspring of a cat possessed by a Maia of sharpness?


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For the Last Time by chrissystriped

Melkor is a captive of the Valar's army and Mairon sneaks into the camp to find him, when he is caught by Eonwe. Now he has to try to seduce his old friend to still have a chance.

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Imprisonment by Elsane

Morgoth hangs Maedhros on Thangorodrim.

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Revelator by Lilith

The War of the Ring has ended and nothing has turned out exactly as anyone expected. Sauron, who is in this version female and known originally as Mairen and now as Thû, has survived, remained corporeal and been captured.  As such, she will be sent to Valinor to stand trial.


Posted in a very different form.   Heavily revised.  Completed and being posted gradually  as final revisions are made.

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That Attraction Between Us by chrissystriped

Laiglas stared at him, his mouth hanging open. “I beg your pardon?”, he stammered and blushed when some things shot through his head, he sometimes dreamed of. Melkor and Mo in one bed with him... But: “Mablung... I’m sorry, but... you are my friend, I love you, but I don’t think of you like that.” Mablung laughed cheerfully. “You don’t have to be sorry for that, I feel the same about you. But I still think the four of us could have fun.”

Melkor and Mablung have a proposal for their friends.

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Guest Drabble by Lindariel

Posted for a friend, J. Mortimer Tarantula, who wanted to try drabbling, but with dark prompts:  charnel, dire, spectre, vain.  

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every dirge fades to silence by Fernstrike

How the Songs of a Maia and a Vala harmonised - and then, as all corrupted things are wont to do, fell to discord and chaos.

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Caged Bird by chrissystriped

Reviahûn is guarding the Trees when Melkor comes to kill them but what can a Maia do against the mightiest of the Valar?

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Transformation by chrissystriped

Faranwe is captured by the Dark Hunter, torn from his family and changed forever. But even in Utumno there can be love and light.

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Inaudible: Three Words by chrissystriped

This was what he enjoyed the most about being allowed to sleep in his Master’s bed most of the time now. Not the soft mattress and the warm blankets, though that was comfortable. No, it was the fact that this way he was sometimes woken by his Master’s gentle touches.

It's Mablung's birthday again, though he remembers it only after a while.

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The way he needs me by chrissystriped

Melkor is angry and Mablung knows it is going to be a hard night. But if his pain is what his Master needs to feel better, he'll bear it for him.

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Brothers, close again by chrissystriped

Manwe invites Melkor to fly with him.

(Part of my Mighty Love-'verse where Melkor repents and is pardoned at the end of the Third Age.)

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Burning by chrissystriped

After touching a poisonous plant, Mablung is running a fever. Melkor takes care of him.

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Who is the tallest? More Heat than Light on Height in Tolkien’s World by oshun

I beg your indulgence for this, my entry for the "Solve a problem" challenge. I realize the problem is all mine. Who IS the tallest? Or does it matter? What was Tolkien thinking?

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Something unexpected by chrissystriped

Mormirion swears loyalty to his new Master.

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Dark Vala & Fire Maia (Drabble) by lovelytimes

An Angbang warm-up drabble with the hitching of breath, whispered words, and the ironlike grasp of Melkor on the wrists of Mairon.

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Always Been Best for Discovering (Drabble) by lovelytimes

Short drabble written for the 2019 Solstice instadrabbling challenge.

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Scratching an itch by chrissystriped

The healing scabs on Mablung's back are itching like mad. Melkor decides to help him with that and... other things.

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In the eye of the beholder by chrissystriped

After the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, Melkor decides to savour his victory by taunting a group of prisoners. Mablung, being the center of his scheme, keenly feels the elves' disdain.

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