Fanworks Tagged with Melkor

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A Night of Pleasures by chrissystriped

Thuringwethil comes home from a hunt brimming with desire. Luckily Melkor is more than happy to indulge her and invites her and his two other favourite followers to his rooms.

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Lúthien Before Morgoth's Throne by cuarthol, owly

My contribution to the Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang artwork in an Ancient Egyptian style

Then Beren and Lúthien ... came to the seat of Morgoth in his nethermost hall that was upheld by horror, lit by fire, and filled with weapons of death and torment. There Beren slunk in wolf's form beneath his throne; but Lúthien was stripped of her disguise by the will of Morgoth, and he bent his gaze upon her.

 The Silmarillion - JRR Tolkien

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A Miracle of Infectiousness by kimikocha

It's supposed to be impossible for the Ainur to get sick, but Mairon has always been exceptional.

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Proceedings of the Angband Poets' Society by kimikocha

Selections from the latest edition of the Angband Poets' Society magazine.

What's that, you say? You didn't realize Angband had a poets' society? Well, now you know.

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The Library of Mandos by kimikocha

FIRST NOTICE: Library records show the following item(s) overdue. Please return or renew them as soon as possible to avoid further charges. Note that late fees for Dark Lords accrue at the rate of one (1) Silmaril per day.

Fëanor starts a library in Mandos. The question of the day: Which member of the Arda Evil League of Evil borrowed Twilight and forgot to return it?

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Shadow'd from Heaven's Eye by kimikocha

Mairon is seduced during the Years of the Lamps.

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firelight by hanneswrites

Mairon & Melkor get married and have an overall fluffy time.

Featuring Wedding Fluff & Wedding Night Shenanigans.

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Go On As Three by Elwin Fortuna

Beren falls down a ravine and breaks his leg, but that's just the start of his good fortune.

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Transcript of Divorce Proceedings: Mairon v. Melkor by Rocky41_7

Official family court transcript of the divorce proceedings in the matter of Mairon v. Melkor.

Expletives have been redacted from the transcript.

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A Traitor's Issue by herenortherenearnorfar

Ulfang's daughters(in-law) seek aid in the aftermath. Reckoning with their own grief and choices (or lack thereof) they navigate Angband, the nightmare they grew up with, now the only place they can turn for help.

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Wax by ohboromir

“Now, my lord, you must keep still.”

Melkor was not entirely certain how he had gotten himself into this situation. No, that was not true. He knew what he had said; he had complained to Mairon of some inconsequential matter, and the Lieutenant had responded sharply that he needed to learn some patience. And of course, he had not been able to hold his tongue, and he had demanded that Mairon teach him.

(Tolkien Secret Santa Advent (NSFW) Calendar Day 19: Wax Play)

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Beyond The Doors of Night by Kaylee Arafinwiel

So Nancy Stohlman's first prompt for November was "Write a story that takes place in darkness"... Don't know that it gets much darker than the Void. Post-LOTR, let's see how Morgoth, Sauron, and Saruman are doing...

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Radiance by elennalore

What if Varda was the fallen Vala instead of Melkor?


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A Boy in the Snow by chrissystriped

Melkor, imprisoned in Aman and frustrated, calms his emotions with as snowstorm. Afterwards he realises there was an elf caught in it.

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A Birthday Morning by chrissystriped

Mablung opened his eyes with a happy sigh as he was kissed awake.
“Good morning, love”, Melkor smiled down at him. “And happy birthday.”

Mablung wakes to a tasty birthday present by Melkor.

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For All Elvenkind by elennalore

An interstellar spaceship is ready to go. Its all-Elven crew and passengers will become the first explorers and settlers of an exoplanet orbiting the star Vega, or Luinil as the Elves call it. But only Mairon knows that the captain of the starship, Celebrimbor, has a hidden agenda.

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The Seven Gates by Laerthel

The impossible happened – a Silmaril has been stolen from Morgoth’s crown. Maedhros decides to reunite the People of Beleriand against the Enemy and attack him while he is still unprepared (which is by no means less impossible). Meanwhile, in the hidden city of Gondolin, Lord Glorfindel of the Golden Flower pursues the meaning of his recurring nightmares, only to find himself in the centre of a secret ploy against the ever-growing power of Maeglin Lómion in the King’s Council.

The People of Beleriand are astir; and as the strings of our heroes’ fates tangle, a dark shadow creeps above the North – the Fifth Battle approaches. And to what end, no one could dream...

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Such a lovely sight by chrissystriped

He knew all the signs – the small, desperate, aroused sounds he made with every breath; the way he squeezed his eyes shut; his hips moving rhythmically – that indicated that the slave was nearing the point where it wasn’t a question of his will anymore if he came.


Melkor enjoys to see his slave aroused and the new toy Sauron sent him is really good at keeping him there.

Mablung just desperately wants to come.

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Cosmological Poems of Arda by AaronAzrael

I would like to share my revelations of Tolkien's Universe in the form of narrative and emotional poems.

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The Joining of Two Families by chrissystriped

Shai is the first orc to be reborn and Sharû is overjoyed to have his mother back. When Shai hears that her husband can't be reborn because both she and Arasiel, his wife from when he was an elf, are alive, she is not prepared to accept that. Shai and Arasiel team up to get their husband back, coming closer to each other in the process.

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Tales of the Hidden City by Kenaz

Stories of Gondolin. This series began as a response to the Fanfic100 challenge on Livejournal, but 100 stories remains quite an ambitious number! These are very short stories-- ficlets, if you will-- about Gondolin and its denizens. Content runs the gamut from All Ages-rated genfic to explicit slash. Content warnings will be provided for each story.

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The Poetic Silmarillion by Dawn Felagund

\"The Poetic Silmarillion\" is an ongoing attempt to \"collect\" poems and songs that might have been spoken and sung by various characters and cultures in Middle-earth.

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Artíreverse by WendWriter

Artíre the Watcher is an observer who likes drama for its own sake. He hates the thought of taking sides - he\'s more of a double agent. When Sauron inveigles him into a scheme against the Valar with the promise of a spectacle to enjoy, Artíre is forced to side with Melkor to satisfy his love of conflict. This kicks off a cycle of feuding that never really gets resolved and changes Artíre forever. Later on, he becomes the Watcher in the Water at Moria.

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Angwëverse by WendWriter

Angwë the Builder is the brother of Sauron, and was a servant of Aulë until his love for his mountain, Celebdil, consumed him to the point where he was willing to do anything to regain control of it. He joined forces with Melkor (Morgoth) and became a Balrog, with the promise of having his mountain restored to him.

Angwë's diligence and lateral thinking make him an ideal servant. He can turn his hands to anything - to the despair of Morgoth's enemies - but with his heart set on driving the Dwarves out of the Dwarrowdelf and keeping Celebdil to himself, he's hard to manage, sometimes.

My Melkor speaks an archaic form of English to make himself seem remote and godlike. The rest of the characters use a more modern form because I find it easier to express myself thus.

Angwë's story is a tragedy - as the Balrog of Moria, he's doomed from the start, but it's his dream of getting his mountain back that draws people to him and makes them root for him. This fanon collides with that of Artíre the Watcher, who loves to observe drama and conflict, and they share the same fate when the Fellowship comes to Moria in the end. But until then, I have millennia to have fun with them!

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