Fanworks Tagged with Sauron

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the stranger song by Agelast

Celebrimbor has a realization about his partner, Annatar. Written for the Matryoshka Challenge 2018. 

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His Royal Highness, Prince Celebrimbor of Doriath by elvntari

Celebrimbor was first imagined as the descendant of Daeron. I decided to run with it.

Celebrimbor was the heir to the kingdom of Doriath before his father decided to vanish into thin air, leaving naught but a hastily scribbled note for a messenger to hand to him. In a difficult position as the black sheep of the royal family, Celebrimbor decides to leave for Nargothrond hoping not only to find a place where he fits in, but perhaps even word on the mysterious figure that was his mother.

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Snakes and Lovehearts by elvntari

A tale of love and betrayal and frankly ridiculous amounts of law-breaking and general questionable activities which include (but aren't limited to): investigating the criminal gang that your ex-boyfriend now seems to help head, shameless flirting with your own step-cousin, making out with coworkers in the back rooms of your work place, and the terrible decision to liken a crime drama to a game of Snakes and Ladders.

The non-coffee shop themed rewrite of Six Shots of Espresso and a Packet of Lovehearts, now with 100% more Riverdale-scale self-indulgent drama. Featuring:
- Eonwe, a cop with a bone to pick and a lot of pretentious prose to spout.
- Sauron, a criminal with a penchant for mind games and bad romantic decisions.
- Fingon, a university dropout just trying to keep his lifeguarding career afloat.
- Maedhros, an exhausted lawyer hiding his growing anxiety problem behind false smiles and firm handshakes.
- Maglor, a musician with a title to defend.
- Daeron, a foreign vocalist with a dark past.

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This...socks!! by Nuredhel

Ever wondered where the socks which disappear in the washing machine end up? Well, wonder no more, here is the answer to that age old conundrum....

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A herbal disaster by Nuredhel

When a small bottle of shampoo takes a plunge through space and time and end up in a war meeting during the war of wrath the forces of the valar are given a most terrible weapon....

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Consign Me Not to Darkness by Lotrfan

Finrod accompanies Beren to retrieve a Silmaril and is captured, along with his companions. His encounter with Sauron in Tol-in-Gaurhoth leads to an epic battle of will and skill. Written for the Teitho contest prompt Songs.

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Silver Fragments Falling by StarSpray

When Finrod had previously considered his death, he had thought it would come in battle, at the end of a sword or a mace or an arrow.

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An Ongoing Research by Tyelca

A new prisoner is brought to Angband, and in her ever-ongoing pursuit of knowledge, Thuringwethil spends some time with him.

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Quenta Narquelion by bunn

What if Fëanor's spirit never left the halls of Mandos because it never went there in the first place?

Fëanor, dead, watches the First Age unfold and from time to time, joins in. Canon-compliant character death and a detailed account of the Eastern Front of the War of Wrath. [Thanks to pp for beta reading] 

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Chess game, difficulty: Valar level by Cirilla9

Valar play a chess game which has consequences in the real lives of the folk below them.

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Burning Jealousy by Cirilla9

The scene that couldn't get out of my head after reading the amazing "fire to sate the appetite".
Inspired by the above; Fëanor is captured, Melkor is happy, Sauron is so very jealous.

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Leviathan by Fernstrike

Númenor is sick. A lord out of the east comes bearing a cure - a leviathan that is also an ouroboros.

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Ten Counts by Ulan

Some moments can still tell a full story.

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The City Lights Burn by Tyelca

Elrond and Gil-Galad discuss Annatar’s presence in Ost-in-Edhil.

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The Duel by lightofthetrees

The (in)famous song duel at Tol-in-Gaurhoth, as told by Finrod.

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Deed of Gift by Sleepless_Malice

When Celebrimbor is summoned by Annatar to his workshop late one night, he immediately grows suspicious, all the more when he finds the door locked. He imagines the worst, but the truth is nothing like what he thought.

Warning for: lots of science, chemistry, world-building (Eregion/Gwaith-i-Mírdain), more science

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Turn All Your Flesh As Gold by anthropologyarda

Aulë's expertise does not lie in lungs and sinews. Mairon teaches his Master more than he intends.

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Young Gods by Fernstrike

It began in Almaren - when the world was new, and the gods were young, and the World seemed full of possibilities. It began beneath the earth, under great halls, inside a dark mirror.

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The Black Room. by hennethgalad

Mithrandir protects Thranduil from a new weapon of Sauron. 


(reading 'Dol Guldur' first will add to this) 

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Thangorodrim Triptych by lightofthetrees

A set of three ficlets. The first explores Fingon's interactions with his father and siblings after returning from rescuing Maedhros. The second involves Maedhros, Mairon, smithing, and symbolism. The third is a heart-to-heart between Fingon and Maedhros in which Maedhros confesses that he is going to pass the kingship of the Noldor to Fingolfin.

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Picking Up The Pieces by Grundy

After the Fall of Gondolin, Maeglin's more than a little broken. Is there any hope for him?

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(the rings of) Power by just_jenni

Celebrimbor laments, in confession style, the part he played in creating the Rings of Power.

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