Tolkien Meta Week Starts December 8!
Join us December 8-14, here and on Tumblr, as we share our thoughts, musings, rants, and headcanons about all aspects of Tolkien's world.
Valar play a chess game which has consequences in the real lives of the folk below them.
The scene that couldn't get out of my head after reading the amazing "fire to sate the appetite".
Inspired by the above; Fëanor is captured, Melkor is happy, Sauron is so very jealous.
Númenor is sick. A lord out of the east comes bearing a cure - a leviathan that is also an ouroboros.
Some moments can still tell a full story.
Elrond and Gil-Galad discuss Annatar’s presence in Ost-in-Edhil.
The (in)famous song duel at Tol-in-Gaurhoth, as told by Finrod.
When Celebrimbor is summoned by Annatar to his workshop late one night, he immediately grows suspicious, all the more when he finds the door locked. He imagines the worst, but the truth is nothing like what he thought.
Warning for: lots of science, chemistry, world-building (Eregion/Gwaith-i-Mírdain), more science
Aulë's expertise does not lie in lungs and sinews. Mairon teaches his Master more than he intends.
It began in Almaren - when the world was new, and the gods were young, and the World seemed full of possibilities. It began beneath the earth, under great halls, inside a dark mirror.
Sauron makes the One Ring.
Mithrandir protects Thranduil from a new weapon of Sauron.
(reading 'Dol Guldur' first will add to this)
A set of three ficlets. The first explores Fingon's interactions with his father and siblings after returning from rescuing Maedhros. The second involves Maedhros, Mairon, smithing, and symbolism. The third is a heart-to-heart between Fingon and Maedhros in which Maedhros confesses that he is going to pass the kingship of the Noldor to Fingolfin.
After the Fall of Gondolin, Maeglin's more than a little broken. Is there any hope for him?
Celebrimbor laments, in confession style, the part he played in creating the Rings of Power.
Sauron turns elves into orcs
The tenuous relationship between the King and the Elendili is coming to its breaking point. When Isildur steals the fruit of Nimloth, what follows brings the already-heavy boot of tyranny down harder upon the Faithful - especially the gifted healer, Nilûphel.
Celebrimbor takes refuge in memory. (Finding out wherever there is comfort there is pain, only one step away . . .)
Morgoth sells the concept of swords to the elves through his minions.
(Ah, er, contains a canon error. Mairon was not in Valinor at the same time as the elves.
However, i could just change the name of the evil maia and it would be compatible...)
During various moments in his life, Celebrimbor is forced to reconsider the meaning of peace.
Meneldil was the fourth child of Anarion, and succeeded him on the throne of Gondor. Who were Meneldil's elder siblings? This is the story of Romennie, Anarion's moon-touched child, a victim of Zigur's evil.
An Orc dies; what happens when he wakes up again in the Halls of Mandos and is forced to remember that he too belonged to the race of the Eldar?
Even at the best of times, life in the Black Land is a struggle. Its denizens seem to be their own worst enemies and things are rarely as they first seem. A certain Orc finds that out the hard way. Sequel to "Wolves And Shattered Shields".
An Orc and an Elf tries to learn to live with a bond that should not be, but as the War between the Elves and Sauron picks up things go from bad to worse. Sequel to "The Ties that Bind".
Consideration of free will and the nature of elves.
Mairon discovers a new game he likes to play with his favorite captive, and much to his amusement Maedhros takes equal delight in it — until the illusion scatters. Spiced up with a pinch of unhealthy Angbang.