Fanworks Tagged with Slash

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Hearken Still Unsated by polutropos

When the Noldor return to Middle-earth to make war on Morgoth, only rumours reach Menegroth of their reasons for coming, but Doriath's minstrel experiences their loss and longing through his connection to Music and the gift of his Queen. Years later, he is sent to the Feast of Reuniting and meets the Elf whose grief he felt.

A story about the Eldar returning home, their connection to the land and to each other, and their relationship to Music and fate, love and free will.

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There in the Fragrant Pines by Maggie Honeybite

A story about the two times that Bëor called Finrod “lad” and one time he didn’t. Or, after the angst of the Helcaraxë, Finrod finds some love and happiness at last. A sequel to Same Shade of Gold. But also stands alone.

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The Magic Flute by polutropos

A cargo crackship carrying two angry elves and a full freight of phallic puns, in-universe curses, gratuitous insults, an immortal hunting falcon, an assault flute, a wine-infused linguistic seduction (ft. dirty Quenya phrases), and an opportunistic rebound with an ex-lover’s brother after being dumped for a mortal.

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Blood and Light by SonOfMandos

Mother, let me live to see the day go by
Save me from myself, for I will sacrifice
Anything and Everything, to feel Him one more time

--Sacrifice, Aleah.

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Two Birds in Love by chrissystriped

Eonwe and Reviahûn have been a couple for many centuries. When Reviahûn manages to flee from his captivity in Angband, their world changes completely not only because the trees are gone.

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Elegy for Númenor – Volume 2: The Darkening by elfscribe

Ar-Pharazôn, the mighty King of Númenor, thinks he has triumphed when his powerful enemy, Sauron, surrenders, and the King carries him back to his glorious island kingdom. However, Sauron’s greatest power lies not in his armies, but in his capacity for guile and seduction. A drama with many players.

Rating: M overall, although, no doubt, future chapters will have explicit content.

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A Song for Change by polutropos

“Therefore I say that we will go on, and this doom I add: the deeds that we shall do shall be the matter of song until the last days of Arda.”
- The Silmarillion, ‘Of the Flight of the Noldor’

An elf child of mysterious origin with a gift for Song shakes up Daeron and Maglor's quiet retirement from the problems of Men. Then she shakes up the world.

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Surfacing Light by Anérea, Maggie Honeybite

A "missing scene", and a painting, inspired by Answers in the Dark by Keiliss.
On the night before he sails to Númenor on his mission, Erestor has a dream that sends him to Gil-galad's room in search of some sexual healing. Fits in right after chapter 7: Tea and History of Answers in the Dark. Alternatively, could be read as just a hot PWP. A gift for Keiliss.

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Answering Light by Anérea

Inspired by Surfacing, Into Light by Maggie Honeybite featuring Keiliss' Erestor and Gil-galad from Answers in the Dark, the sequel to Burning Bright: The Road.

- - - 

Music:  Come Back to Us · Thomas Newman

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Víressë by Dawn Felagund

As Sauron's reach lengthens, Winter lingers overlong in Gondor. In the midst of cold, despair, and the slow march to war, Boromir kindles a forbidden love affair with an unknown errand-rider that creates intrigue and betrayal. Written for Keiliss for the 2015 LotRGenfic/MPTT Yule Exchange.

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Same Shade of Gold by Maggie Honeybite

Turgon loves Elenwë. Finrod loves Turgon. Elenwë is pushed to the brink by the strain of the Helcaraxë. There are strange things done in the land of no sun by the Elves with hair of gold…  A love story with a ghostly twist.

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Don't forget the Light by chrissystriped

Sharû is an orc, a soldier of Morgoth, and he should feel nothing but hatred and contempt for elves. But there are his parents who teach him differently, (his brother who looks like an elf), and there's also his superior who has sympathy for the slaves.

When the Valar come to fight, he helps to free the slaves instead of killing them, the deed earning him and his men a place in Aman.

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red by hanneswrites

"It reminded me of you," Findekáno says, grinning up at Maitimo as though that was not the most absurd statement spoken in the last century. Russingon Romantic Fluff, Set during Years of the Trees. Quenya Names Used.

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Surfacing, Into Light by Maggie Honeybite

On the night before he sails to Númenor on his mission, Erestor has a dream that sends him to Gil-galad's room in search of some sexual healing. Inspired by Keiliss' Answers in the Dark series, fits in right after Tea and History (or chapter 7 of Answers in the Dark). Alternatively, could be read as just a hot PWP. A gift for Keiliss.

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An Adventure by chrissystriped

“Feeling adventurous, sweet Tyelpe?”, Annatar asked in a teasing tone, his eyes glinting.

“Maybe?”, he answered lightly. He knew Annatar well enough to not say yes without hearing more, even with his mind fogged by pleasure.

“Well”, he said, lowering himself so their cheeks touched and he could whisper seductively into his ear. “I’m thinking, naughty elves need to be punished. No?” Annatar’s cock was digging into his hip and Celebrimbor could feel it twitch at the words.

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Naive and Brilliant by chrissystriped

Annatar questions Celebrimbor's philosophy while seducing him.

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Roughing It by polutropos

The Fëanorian and Arafinwëan middle-children go hunting in the sweltering, noisy jungles of southern Aman. Angrod and Caranthir find a way to take the edge off.

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The Spacious Starlight by polutropos

Mablung visits Beleg on the northern marches to spend some time alone together before the summer festival.

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Steppe Ghost Story by Lferion

Love endures, and nothing is truly forgotten if even one person remembers it. A triple drabble.

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Down Through the Ages by StarSpray

Five times Daeron meets Maglor by accident, plus one time it happens on purpose.

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SWG Vintage Challenge by Lferion

25 chapters assembled into five stories. Each chapter fills four prompts, one from each of the four cards in the SWG May 2022 Vintage Bingo Challenge, for a total of 100 prompts filled.

The five stories are not all in the same continuity/universe -- for one thing, Ilverien and Red Crow cannot coexist, though there are elements they have in common -- but all of them can be read as part of an overall set of ideas.

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Red Crow by Lferion

Glimpses of life in Aman, after the events of arriviste's void junk and Idrils_Scribe's Wings of White and Silver-grey.

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Meanwhile by Lferion

Life among the Noldor, in the Fourth Age, Elrond musing on custom, courting, popular songs and other such matters.


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Ilverien by Lferion

Maedhros, Ilverien, and infant Erien are due to return, after having been away for two months. Fingon prepares for his spouses' arrival.

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Shadow'd from Heaven's Eye by kimikocha

Mairon is seduced during the Years of the Lamps.

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