Answering Light by Anérea
Fanwork Notes
For Keiliss.
Fanwork Information
Description: Inspired by Surfacing, Into Light by Maggie Honeybite featuring Keiliss' Erestor and Gil-galad from Answers in the Dark, the sequel to Burning Bright: The Road. - - - Music: Come Back to Us · Thomas Newman Major Characters: Erestor, Gil-galad Major Relationships: Erestor/Gil-galad Type: Character/Portrait, Drawing/Painting, Illustration Challenges: Restoration and Rebuilding Rating: Teens Warnings: |
Posted on 23 August 2022 | Updated on 4 September 2022 |
Answering Light
Maggie Honeybite created a beautiful "missing scene" as a gift for Keiliss when she went into ICU, bringing a touch of healing and light that creates a lovely sort of "end of part two" to the story.
Water has always held restorative healing energy for me (and I believe for Kei too) so Maggie's subtle water and light imagery resonated with me so powerfully that a vivid, dreamlike, underwater image came to mind, with elements of light, floating, loving embrace... and Gil's four-poster bed in the middle.
I visualised Kei embraced in healing light while in hospital, and although she's no longer embodied 'in Arda', I trust her spirit is embodied in light, beyond the Circles of the World.

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