Fanworks Tagged with General

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The Land of Gift by Gadira

On the final fate of Tuor and Idril, and the roots of certain important events of the Second Age. Slightly uncanonical, or at least Untolkienesque. Nominated for the MPAs and the MEFAs.

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Closing the Circle by Gadira

Of Fëanor´s death and the final fate of the Broideress. Warning for extremely archaic notions of thought. Part IV of the Broideress Arc.

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Katabasis by Gadira

Part III of the Broideress Arc. Indis the Fair also has guts.

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The Last Work Of Her Hands by Gadira

Could an Elf live without a fëa? Part II of the Broideress arc.

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Facing the Darkness by Gadira

They had always been two, the Broideress and the Healer. Rumours said that they had awoken side by side under the stars, but now the Broideress must face the darkness alone. Part I of the Broideress Arc.

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A Fair Trial by Gadira

At the end of the First Age, Sauron refused to submit to the judgement of the Valar. But, whose fault was it? And was he really alone in his decision? Maiarin humour.

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A Fairy Tale by Gadira

A desperate mother tells her newborn child a tale about the world. Companion piece to "The Wandering Queen" and "Promise Unfulfilled".

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Promise Unfulfilled by Gadira

Annael of the Grey Elves grieves over his unfulfilled promise after Rian´s son, Tuor, is lost. Sequel to "The Wandering Queen" (so it´s just a little less old. ^_^)

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The Wandering Queen by Gadira

After the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, Wood Elves stumble upon a distraught mortal lady.
(Another one of my old fics)

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The Accursed by Gadira

Who can tell what was in the betrayer´s mind as he performed his deed? Silmarillion-based, featuring a Very Shafted Character. (One of my old fics)

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The Blue Book of Bilbo Baggins, or, Tales of the Forbidden Silmarillion by Gandalfs apprentice

As readers know from Tyellas's Lost in the Translation, Bilbo made another book--one with a blue cover. This story tells of the fate of this mysterious volume, and, even better, has extracts from some of the know you want to read it. Seriously AU. Illustrations by greywing.

Thanks to Tyellas for allowing me to borrow the idea of the Blue Book from her superb story and to oshun for her thoughtful criticism and for being a good friend. Special thanks to Maeve Riannon and to greywing for their unique contributions, and to all the writers at the Garden of Ithilien.

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Luthien Tinuviel by Endaewen

Short stories about Beren and Luthien. Filling the Doom'n'Gloom prompt set from the arda100 Challenge.

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Letters in the Sand by Rhapsody

Maglor is trapped within a circle regarding his fate and destiny.

 ~ MEFA 2006 nominee - Thank you Robinka! ~

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Needling pride by Rhapsody

Maedhros in Mandos, how will he answer to Mandos' judgement?

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Until fate reigns by Rhapsody

Celegorm and Curufin share a typical brotherly moment.

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Free Fall by Rhapsody

Amrod has a blissful afternoon. Written for Isil Elensar, who wanted an Amrod drabble.

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Looking Back, Looking Forward by Rhapsody

The thoughts on friendship between Celegorm and Aredhel when both leave Valinor behind on their journey into exile.

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Perturbation of Fate by Rhapsody

Maglor on the shores of Middle-earth while still remaining true to the Oath. This is another exploration of his reasons to linger on the shores while the jewel dwells in the ocean.

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My Legacy by spookystoy

Celebrimbor doubts his father has any skill worthy of passing on.

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A Natural Talent by spookystoy

At an early age, Curufin shows a natural aptitude for his father's arts.

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The Rising of Eärendil's Star by MithLuin

Maglor's foster sons learn about the meaning of the new star from the last two Sons of Fëanor. 

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The question of being fair by Rhapsody

Celegorm overhears a group of maidens on a square in Tirion.

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A Mother's Wish by Rhapsody

Nerdanel cannot longer withstand a lament.

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True Diplomacy by Rhapsody

Maedhros has passed on rulership of the Noldor to Fingolfin. This drabble relfects Celegorm's thoughts.

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First Blood Spilled by Rhapsody

Fëanor races home to Formenos after the news of his father's death. What goes through him when he arrives on the scene?

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