January Challenge: Jubilee
In celebration of our twentieth birthday year, create for any of our past challenges and earn stamps that you missed!
The adventures of Wally the Walrus...or Osse the Maia, in walrus form?
Aredhel walks a dark path.
A poem Finarfin writes about Eärwen after a walk on the beach together.
Nimloth drags her feet about a certain decision; Melian has no time for that.
A series of acrostics based on the letters provided in the Tengwar challenge, telling the story of one enterprising Telerin merchant.
Hithlum reckons with the departure of the future Gondolindrim.
Dior is in Menegroth learning to be his grandfather's heir -- but his grandmother decides to take him as apprentice too.
Written for the Tengwar Challenge, May 15: Súlë (spirit).
Humanity took to the skies. Eärendil and Ilmarë adjust.
Responses to the Tengwar Challenge in which first letters spell out the name of a tengwa: 1) Early Encounter (Nerdanel, Indis); 2) Numenorean Lullaby (Almarian, Aldarion); 3) Tink-Tink (Telchar); 4) Such lamps as once shone in Khazad-dum (Celebrimbor).
A collection of Silmarillion-centric drabbles written for the Tengwar Challenge. Short and sweet!
For the Tengwar challenge, four poems in which Beleriand and Middle-Earth are threatened by flames (once from each cardinal direction).
Examining the relationship between Andreth and Finrod as shown in the Athrabeth.
Grandfather brings a treat back from Valmar.
Something not seen since the Years of the Trees comes to light. (A sequel of sorts to What A Tangled Web We Weave...)
Lembas speaks out.
“You,” Fingon pronounced, “are drunk. I am not going to give you anyone’s name just so you can make up a silly drunken ballad."
Two queens of the Noldor discuss motherhood.
Artworks created for the "Tengwar" challenge
Drabbles for the Tengwar challenge, featuring Elemmakil and Laegwen
Fingon attacks Himring; Maedhros defends. A calligraphy piece done for the Hungarian Tolkien Society's Mailing Competition.
Bilbo recounts, in verse, the attempt of Gandalf, Beorn, and him to cross the Forest River after the Battle of Five Armies. Written for the Hungarian Tolkien Society's 2024 Mailing Competition.
Éomer Éadig is dead, and Aragorn meditates on losing his friends.
The Giving Tree, but Beren and Luthien. Written for the Tengwar prompt, “Aldi.”
In Tol Eressëa, Celebrían and Galadriel talk about Arwen. Written for the "It Comes in Threes" challenge, inspired by Maiden, Mother and Crone.