Fanworks Tagged with Teens

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All That May Become by Grundy

After the Sack of Eregion, the situation for the elves is dire. Celeborn's army is on the verge of being caught by Sauron when unexpected help arrives.

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Home Alone: Forgotten in Formenos by Dawn Felagund

In the rush to depart for a Yule celebration in Taniquetil, Amrod and Amras are accidentally left behind by their family. When two skeevy Maiar vying for Melkor's attention set their sights on Fëanor's treasury, only these two can protect it.

Yes indeed, it is a Silmarillion/Home Alone crossover.

Added Chapter 13 onward--now complete!

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The Nightingale Sang by ArtificialEnt

Luthien runs into a strange and batlike creature on her way to rescue Beren.

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Scorched by curufinweatarinke

Celebrimbor, Curufin and Celegorm in the aftermath of Fëanor’s death.

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Stars by curufinweatarinke

Celebrimbor is his father’s son.

(snapshots from the life of a more Fëanorian Celebrimbor)

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Song and Smoke by Zdenka

During her forced marriage to Brodda, Aerin is consoled by the presence of Rían’s ghost. (Two versions of the story: chapter 1 in prose and chapter 2 in alliterative verse.)

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Companions by Zdenka

Haleth and those who followed her. (Haleth/OFC. Two drabble sequences and a 250-word fixed-length ficlet.)

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Fairer Than Ivory or Pearls by Zdenka

Míriel has a mysterious encounter after a Festival of Uinen at Rómenna. Much later, facing death for herself and her people, she makes a bargain with the Lady of the Seas.

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The Shapes of Evil by Nitheliniel

When the sons of Feanor come to Doriath to claim the Silmaril by force, Elurín and Eluréd learn that evil is not always beastly and that sometimes, the monsters from your nightmares are the only hope at hand.

The Silmarillion/Doctor Who crossover

Or: "The Angels Take Doriath" (my working title)

“People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually – from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint – it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff.” [Doctor Who, Series 2, Episode 10 „Blink“]

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Inglorëa by sian22

Deep in a Dol Guldur dungeon, Celebrimbor must hold his silence to ensure his greatest work stays free.  1st Place Teitho Challenge: Honour

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Of Tuor by Grundy

Itarillë has something serious on her mind and needs someone to talk it over with. Lomion isn't entirely sure why she's asking for advice.

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For the First Time in Forever by quillingmesoftly

S.A. 583. The one where Maglor dares to hope again, and the river-daughter leaves her nest. Featuring: Ossë, Uinen, the Baranduin, the Men of the Minhiriath, and Eriador Avari.

Or, Tom Bombadil and Goldberry, before they became Tom Bombadil and Goldberry.

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the stranger song by Agelast

Celebrimbor has a realization about his partner, Annatar. Written for the Matryoshka Challenge 2018. 

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A Hunt in Nan Elmoth by HannaGoldworthy

Celegorm decides to take a break from the Siege of Angband to spend time with his youngest brothers in the one hobby they all enjoy.  Things go awry, and that's the fun part.

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dread wood by Agelast

Even the most twisted tree was once an innocent sapling. Written as a treat for Amyfortuna, Trick or Treat 2018.

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The Long Road by Kaz

Elladan really wasn't planning to get thrown back in time to Beleriand, but the world didn't bother asking his opinion. Now, he struggles to find a way back home as the First Age unfolds around him. The host of newly acquired relatives, including a great-uncle with a flair for dramatics, sons of Fëanor who insist on being people rather than historical villains, and a several-times great-grandmother with some unexpected skills, just make it more overwhelming.

And where is Gil-galad, anyway? Shouldn't he be around here somewhere?

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Take Thy Brother's Hand by heget

The story of the eighth companion of Finrod and Beren to die in the dungeons of Tol-in-Gaurhoth.


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The Nights Your Heart Shivers by StarSpray

"All right, hunting down Daeron the Minstrel: that sounds like fun. But where would we even begin to look for him?"

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Shame and Grief by LadyBrooke

Maglor has always talked in his sleep.

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Graveyard Shift by Himring

After the First Kinslaying, Maglor's wife ends up with a grim duty.

Has she been volunteered by others?

Or maybe she did choose it herself, after all?

In the confusion of the times, that may not be an easy distinction to make.

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Dispossessed For Ever by StarSpray

After Elwing casts herself into the Sea, Maglor finds her sons.

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Orcs. by hennethgalad

Fingolfin questions prisoners. 

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Aware. by hennethgalad

Fingolfin reads the thoughts of two prisoners to see who is telling the truth.

(reading 'Orcs' first would enrich this)


for the 'Sitcom' challenge "Sophisticated as hell."

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Aftermath by hennethgalad

Hador and Gildis have their first row.

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Filial Piety by heget

The story of the third companion of Finrod and Beren to die in the dungeons of Tol-in-Gaurhoth.

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