Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
“Gothmog and Draugluin” follows the antics of two Tolkienian icons who were not all about smiting and devouring but had fun, too. Little Gothmog lives in Thangorodrim with his mom (Ulbandi Fluithuin) and dad (Melkor, Black Foe of the World). Melkor’s right-hand man and Gothmog’s babysitter -- Professor Thû ("I'm not a babysitter. I'm an observer!") -- makes appearances, too. Gothmog and Draugluin also share this space with “Stinky Pete” Mêshûgganâscar, Maia of Mandos, and his pals.
"Gothmog and Draugluin" appears monthly sporadically in the SWG newsletter. View the Table of Contents for a full listing of comics.
Major Characters: Draugluin, Fingon, Gothmog, Maedhros, Mandos, Melkor, Original Character(s), Sauron |
Major Relationships: No major characters listed |
Genres: Comic Strip, Humor | Challenges: No challenge listed |
Rating: Teens | Warnings: No warnings apply |
Posted on 19 September 2010 | Updated on 23 November 2012 |
This fanwork is a work in progress. |