Challenges by Date

Challenges have been a part of the SWG since our group was formed in 2005. Before the archive, there were challenges. Before References or any special projects or B2MeM or any of the myriad things we've done over the last decade-plus, there were challenges. Challenges end and a new challenges is posted on the 15th of the month. (Yes, that means there is one thrilling day each month when there are two active challenges!) Participants—both authors and reviewers—will receive a stamp in their challenge stamp collection for their participation. Deadlines apply only if you want your fanwork to receive a stamp.

Every challenge that has ever been offered by the SWG is available for use by creators of fanworks who are looking for inspiration. Even if the deadline for stamps is passed, you are welcome to use the challenges listed on our site. And comments on past challenge fanworks are always welcome and always receive a reward for that month. Want to join us? Click to read the guidelines below!

Challenge Guidelines
  1. New challenges will be released monthly on the 15th. You can find the current challenge in the Challenge section of our website or listed in the sidebar under Current Challenges. The current challenge can also be found on our satellite groups on Dreamwidth, Tumblr (using the #swg challenges tag), and Discord.
  2. Challenge entries must be created for the challenge. In other words, a previous fanwork cannot be "retrofitted" into a challenge even if it fits. However, you are welcome to add to an existing fanwork with new content that fits a challenge.
  3. Challenges will need to be posted to the SWG archive no later than the 15th of the month in order to receive a stamp for that month's challenge, unless otherwise specified. If you are using the challenge prompt as part of another fandom event where the event rules do not allow you to post the fanwork on our archive before the challenge deadline or if you have serious extenuating circumstances that cause you to miss a deadline, you can contact the mods to arrange a deadline extension. Make sure that you add your story to the challenge using the Challenges field on the fanwork submission form. The SWG accepts all types of fanworks (art, audio, link collections, playlists, series, videos, writing, and multimedia fanworks), all types of fanwork are suitable as responses to challenges, and all must be posted to the archive.
  4. You are welcome to cross-post your work wherever you want, but at a minimum, it must be archived on our website.
  5. Works must be Silmfic, but any genre, rating, pairing, characters, or format are allowed. Works-in-progress are welcome.
  6. Challenge participants will receive a stamp for each challenge that they complete. In addition, if you comment on a challenge fanwork, you will receive a stamp for participating as a commenter. Unleash your inner philatelist because we will start a stamp collection for all participants that will be updated from month to month! Some months have special stamps (or even secret stamps ...).
  7. Comment challenges have no due date. However, if you are commenting on a story posted more than two months ago, we appreciate if you contact us and let us know that you need a stamp. Please note that comment stamps are not available for specific challenges before January 2017.

Current Challenge


SWG Jubilee challenge banner - the word "Jubilee" in a large handwritten font over a blue background spangled with silver stars. At the top is the text "Silmarillion Writers' Guild Challenge"; at the bottom  the text "1 January - 15 February 2025"

We always like to start the new year fresh and with creativity. To that end, we begin the year with an amnesty, allowing you to create a fanwork for any of the previous year’s challenges. To celebrate the SWG’s 20th anniversary year, we’re expanding that in our second ever Jubilee. (Yes, we know Jubilees are traditionally every 25 or 50 years. We’re not that patient, so we’re making our own Jubilee tradition—do one when it feels right.)

Any challenge from January 2017 onward is fair game for the amnesty this January! If there’s a challenge you’ve been eyeing that was before your time, or one you’ve been kicking yourself for missing, this is your moment. If you started a challenge response but never finished it, here’s your chance. Done them all? We are in awe. Also, you can create for any of them—just make sure you post to the Jubilee challenge to get your stamp.

If you’re all worn out from all 2024 threw at you but ready to go on a fanworks binge, the Jubilee includes commenting stamps.

During the Jubilee, you can collect any existing challenge stamp. The only new stamps we’ll be giving out are the Jubilee-specific ones.

There are a few caveats and mod requests:

  • We will not be making new stamps for previous challenges - you can receive any existing challenge stamp.
  • Challenges with mod-assigned prompts are now self-select, and the prompts can be found on the challenge page. That being said, if the fun of a challenge is having a prompt lobbed at you by the mods, you can contact us, let us know the challenge you want, and we'll choose for you.
  • Please inform the mods if you need commenting stamps for prior challenges, and which stamps you need. (All challenges have commenter and 5 comment stamps, some challenges have stamps for 10 or higher numbers of comments.If you’re not sure, ask—the mods will be happy to tell you how high the comment count stamps go for a particular challenge.)
  • Resolution challenge: Resolution stamps are not available. Please do not tag for the Resolution challenge.
  • For bingo challenges, please let the mods know if you need any special bingo stamps:
    • For Potluck (2024), in addition to row, column, diagonal, and card blackout, there are commenter bingo cards—if you play comment bingo, let the mods know you need the appropriate comment bingo stamps. (Row, column, diagonal, or card blackout.) There is also a stamp for boardmakers; we will accept and post new boards through the Jubilee deadline.
    • For Roaring 20s (2023), there are row, column, diagonal, and card blackout bingo stamps; there are also stamps for each individual board, so specify in the notes or let the mods know which board(s) you played.
    • For Words of Wit and Wisdom (March 2021) or Vintage (May 2022) row, column, diagonal, and card blackout stamps are available.
    • For Crackuary (February 2020), row fill and blackout are available.
    • For Sitcom (September 2018) and Taboo (January 2017), row fill is available.
  • For Matryoshka challenges:
    • If you need to email the moderators for prompts, please include the challenge name and date in the subject line. (For example: Hero's Journey May 2017.)
    • If you do a Matryoshka at the Difficult level, let the mods know - there is a special stamp.
    • For Meet & Greet (February 2024), only the first prompt was emailed to participants—the others had to be gathered through interaction with SWG members. There is a list on the challenge page of participating members.
  • November/December challenges:
  • The following challenges have Live Event stamps, which may be collected by participating in Instadrabbling on January 18-19. Session 1 will be 3PM UTC January 18 (what time is that for me?); session 2 will be 6PM UTC January 19 (what time is that for me?).

Woman's Sceptre

Create a fanwork using a quote from a woman who has advanced the cause of women's rights or participation of women in the arts. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Strength and Beauty

Create a fanwork using the Melville quote about the relationship between strength and beauty. Challenge opened in . Read more ...


Create a fanwork using a quotation, artwork, speech, or song concerned with protest and revolution as your inspiration. Challenge opened in . Read more ...


What is taboo? Use a bingo card of taboo-related prompts to inspire your fanwork. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Companies, Clubs, and Cliques

Create a fanwork that explores a group of characters--formal or informal--that Tolkien didn't identify or describe in his own writings. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Tolkien Femslash Week Bingo

A joint event with silmladylove for creating femslash fanworks using bingo cards as prompts. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Around the Fire

Challenge opened in . Read more ...

But I Won't Do That

Consider what "that" is for your character: the one thing that she or he refuses to do, no matter what. And what happens when she or he ends up having to do it anyway? Challenge opened in . Read more ...

10th Birthday Celebration

In honor of our 10th birthday, we introduced our Silmfic prompt generator and solicited fanworks made using it. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Crime and Punishment

Create a fanwork that involves worldbuilding or themes related to crime and punishment. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

First Lines

Choose a famous first line to start your own story or inspire a non-written fanwork. Challenge opened in . Read more ...


Create a fanwork about or showing the oral tradition. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

And the Winner Is ...

Pit two characters against each other to see who wins. Characters can fight physically or match their wits or even magic. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Living Land

Choose a place in Middle-earth that is particularly evocative and create a fanwork where that location itself acts as a character. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Beyond the Circles of Middle-earth

Create a fanwork that places a Silmarillion character into a fictional setting from our real-world literature Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Turning Point

The Silmarillion has many moments when a character stands upon a crossroad: He or she will have to make a decision. At such a turning point in your story, create a fanwork about that moment that will define or alter the life of your character. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

United They Stand

Emancipation and equality can be found in the Professor's words, and we would like to challenge you to create a fanwork about this process. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Arda Underground

Take the dark back streets of one of Arda's cities, explore an unsigned tavern or hovel, and meet the people too insignificant or unsavory to make it into the history books. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Things We Never Said

In this AU challenge, fix that moment that you always wanted to see handled differently by offering your beloved character that moment of forgiveness or redemption. Challenge opened in . Read more ...

Circle of Life

Create a fanwork that addresses the question of life, (im)mortality and reincarnation, or re-embodiment. Challenge opened in . Read more ...