Sea Wing by Himring
Fanwork Notes
The story mentions two members of the household of Hurin, who are named in HoME, but not in the published Silmarillion. Sador Labadal was the man who because of an accident that crippled him did not go with Hurin to the Nirnaeth and who was befriended by Turin in his childhood. He died in the upheaval when Turin returned to Dor-Lomin and slew Brodda. Asgon was among those who aided Turin's escape afterwards and, when Turin left Dor-Lomin, remained living as outlaws in the hills. Asgon seems to have been their spokesperson; I assume he became their leader. (According to one account of the final fate of Hurin, Asgon survived and left Hithlum with Hurin, but I'm not following that version.) The burning of Brodda's house after he was killed by Turin is also mentioned in HoME; Aerin presumably died there.
MEFa banner by Elleth
Fanwork Information
Summary: At the Havens, as Tuor and Idril prepare to sail into the West, Sador Labadal's niece muses on her fascination with Idril and the fate of the servants of the house of Hurin. Originally my project for the International Day of Femslash, which means it's only about two months late. Never mind: as femslash, it isn't PWP, it's NVMHAA (Nothing Very Much Happens At All)--some readers might consider it doesn't even count. The story also sort of features Fingon as King Arthur--but very much sort of. For reasons that will be obvious to the reader, Fingon doesn't appear in the list of Characters. Some of this story is a bit grim, but none of the description is graphic. Generously nominated for the MEFAs 2011 by Elleth; surprisingly, it won Second Place in the category "Men: General"! Major Characters: Idril, Original Character(s) Major Relationships: Genre: General, Slash/Femslash Challenges: International Day of Femslash 2010 Rating: Adult Warnings: Character Death, Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Mild), Violence (Moderate) |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 2, 596 |
Posted on 18 September 2010 | Updated on 18 September 2010 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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