The World Will Know by Lotrfan

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


written for the Revolution Challenge 2017. The prompt was the song “The World Will Know” from Newsies.

“And the world will see that we had to choose

that the things we do today will be tomorrow’s news.

And the old will fall

And the young stand tall

And the time is now

And the winds will blow

And our ranks will grow and grow and grow and so

The world will feel the fire 

And finally know!”

Major Characters: Finarfin, Nerdanel

Major Relationships:

Genre: General

Challenges: Revolution

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 402
Posted on 1 March 2017 Updated on 1 March 2017

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on The World Will Know

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This scene fits that prompt so perfectly! Great to see it from Nerdanel's perspective. (Not that I'm biased or anything!) It must have been such an emotionally difficult event to witness - well, for all of them, but for Nerdanel most of all. I really liked the detail about her not wanting to leave Indis alone. Everyone knows how Fëanor took Finwë's death, but nobody looks at how crushed Indis must have been! I also loved Nerdanel's interaction with Finarfin. So reasonable and so helpless...

Thank you! It was the first scene that came to my mind when I read the lyrics. 

I haven't really explored Nerdanel at all before in my writing so it was a new perspective for me too. I think Arafinwë's narrative gets lost amidst the overwhelming drama of Fëanor, Alqualondë, Losgar and the Doom, not to mention Nolofinwë and the Helcaraxë. It's left me thinking about him more than I ever have before. That's the wonder of the Silmarillion to me--each time I read it something new strikes me about it or I find myself thinking about the story arc of a different character. Always inspirational and intriguing. 

Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!

Thank you. I always assumed Nerdanel would be there And that it would have been devastating for her. I don't think I have given enough thought to Arafinwë' in the past. I kind of bypass him and go straight for Fëanor, Nolo or the sons of Fëanor. But I think Arafinwë doesn't get enough credit.Thanks for the review!