"Because my Land is Fair" and other drabbles by Himring

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Fanwork Notes

The second chapter is a double drabble written for Amy Fortuna, for a prompt of hers at SWG's Around the Fire Challenge.

The sequence as a whole was written for the prompt series "Signs of Autumn" at Tolkien Weekly and are posted  in order as written, not in strict chronological sequence.

Most of the drabbles are rated "General", but warning for spiders in drabble II and references to PTSD and canonical suicide in drabble VI.

Fanwork Information


Drabbles about Annael, Grey Elf of Hithlum:
I. "Because my Land is Fair": Annael refuses to leave Hithlum.
II. "Inspiration": A first meeting between Rian and Annael, just after she has arrived in Hithlum as refugee
III. "Elvish Reminiscences": Annael tells Tuor about his great-grandparents.
IV.: "The Escape Route": Fingon shows Annael the entrance to the Gate of the Noldor.
V. "Under the Stars, in Sunlight": Annael and Tuor talk about the Sun and about elves and men.
VI. "Defeat": Annael in the Battle of Unnumbered Tears. 
VII. "Leaf Loss": Annael, after all, ends up leaving Hithlum.

Major Characters: Annael, Beleg, Fingon, Rían, Tuor

Major Relationships:

Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet, General

Challenges: Around the Fire

Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate

Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn

Chapters: 7 Word Count: 975
Posted on 30 October 2016 Updated on 30 October 2016

This fanwork is complete.

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Table of Contents

Annael refuses to leave Hithlum.

Set during the journey to Hithlum described in the first chapter of "Such Great Deeds", but all you really need to know is that Beleg was carrying a message from Thingol and that this is set after the arrival of the Noldor in Hithlum.

A first meeting between Rian and Annael, just after she has arrived in Hithlum as refugee.

Written for Amy Fortuna, for her prompt: I would like a story about Rían discovering her talent as a singer and songwriter as a young girl. Did she sing any songs about events we're aware of?

Extra warning: possibly triggering for arachnophobia.

Annael tells his fosterling Tuor about times past.
Elves have long memories--and Rian was not the only one of Tuor's family that Annael once knew.

Fingon shows Annael the entrance to the Gate of the Noldor, the secret escape route to the coast. 
It is the time after the Dagor Bragollach. Many Sindar have already fled south.

Another conversation between Annael and his foster son Tuor:
Of the sun and of elves and men.

Annael took part in the Battle of Unnumbered Tears.

Warnings for this drabble: references to PTSD and canonical suicide

Annael, after all, ends up leaving Hithlum.

Comments on "Because my Land is Fair" and other drabbles

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I absolutely love the concept of this drabble! Such a unique encounter, and the imagery and character and mood you have managed to fit into this little scene is fantastic. 

This last one was really moving, I actually got a little teary. I love how this series of drabbles has this through-thread of Annael's attachment to home, and the bittersweetness of this last one - leaving, but taking pieces of home and his life with him. 

Thanks for directing me to these, I am glad I finally sat down to read them!