Laurië Lassi – Golden Leaves by Esteliel

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Falcon Song

Rhosgobel Passport Stamp
Write a story or poem or create artwork using one or more animals as symbols, omens, or metaphors. Use associations and meanings from any culture or source you wish (e.g., Celtic, Native American, Biblical).

Falcon Song

Laurefindil tried his best not to fidget.

It was not that he did not like poetry. And some of the verses had been set to music by Makalaurë, who sat before them by Findaráto's side, singing in that incomparable voice that brought tears to many eyes, and brought to Laurefindil's mind images of the wide sky, of a soaring falcon with silken jesses at his feet.

He glared at Findaráto, then hastily put up a mask of bland enjoyment when his mother turned to look at him.

Damn that smug Findaráto. Did no-one realize that that poem was about him?


Inspired by the following poem by the Kürenberger, a 12th century poet. For years now I've been thinking of using it for Glorfindel somewhere, but when I saw the prompt I realized that I could imagine Finrod as author even better. :)

Ich zôch mir einen valken mêre danne ein jâr.
dô ich in gezamete als ich in wolte hân
und ich im sîn gevidere mit golde wol bewant,
er huop sich ûf vil hôhe und floug in anderiu lant.

Sît sach ich den valken schône fliegen:
er fuorte an sînem fuoze sîdîne riemen,
und was im sîn gevidere alrôt guldîn.
got sende si zesamene die gerne geliep wellen sin!

I brought up a falcon for more than a year.
When I had him tamed as I wanted
And when I had adorned his feathers with gold,
He hopped up into the sky and flew to another land.

Since then I have seen the falcon flying:
He wore silken jesses on his feet,
And his feathers were all red-gold.
God bring together those who want to love each other!

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