Survival of the Fittest by Erulisse

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Chapter 1


Title:  Survival of the Fittest

Author:  Erulisse (one L)

Characters/Pairing:  None

Rating:  PG

Warnings:  Death and Violence

Book/Source:  All

Disclaimer:  Tolkien built the sandbox, I only play with the bucket and shovel that he left for me.  No money, profit or non, is made from the publication of this story. 



Survival of the Fittest

He leaped up, teeth bared, growl coming from deep within his ribcage. Three bodies already sprawled along the walls of the den. His mother had been taken away some time ago. Food enough for one was promised; but only for one. Meeting the eyes of his enemy, he pounced. At the same time, his enemy launched towards him. They met in a whirling mass of teeth and claws. Pain swept through him, claws had pierced his defenses. Still, he wriggled and gained purchase on his enemy's hide. Shortly, one more body lay at his feet.

Two more litter-mates remain...


Chapter End Notes

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