Soul Brothers by Erulisse

Fanwork Information



At the Awakening, two brothers experience the good and bad about life on Middle Earth.  A drabble for Tolkien Weekly - Fell Creatures-Orcs.  


Major Characters:

Major Relationships:

Artwork Type: No artwork type listed

Genre: Drama


Rating: General

Warnings: Character Death

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 102
Posted on 27 April 2011 Updated on 27 April 2011

This fanwork is complete.

Chapter 1

Read Chapter 1


He awoke at Cuiviénen with the others, next to his brother, his companion in body and soul.  When the Hunter captured his heart-brother, he felt that his fea had been torn apart. 

He remained behind while many of his people followed the Shining One across the waters to the Light.  When possible, enemies were questioned.  They spoke of captivity, torture, pain, and blackest transformations.  None had news of his brother, his other half. 

In yet another battle, while raising his blade to slay another orc, their eyes met and mutual recognition came upon them.  In death, their souls were reunited.  


Chapter End Notes

If you had a reaction when reading this, good or bad, please let me know.  All reviews are a blessing.  


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The idea of the orcs as permanently warped elves has always struck me as one of the most hideous things Morgoth did.  It's chilling to think of such a terrible fate for two heart-brothers, although you end it with redemption.   You've written a whole story here in a few sentences. Well done.  

Hi 1L - thought I'd repost my Mefa review here:

Transforming captured elves into orcs has always struck me as one of the most hideous things Morgoth did. This drabble is about two brothers who awake at Cuiviénen but suffer different fates as one of them is lured by the "Shining One" and is transmuted into an orc's form. It's chilling to think of such a terrible fate for two brothers. The author softens the blow with recognition and redemption. Here is an entire story in one hundred well-chosen words.

You're so kind to repost because it gives me an opportunity to thank you for your kind words.  I looked at MEFA to try and respond to my last few reviews last night, and there was no active "respond" button any more :-(  

Tolkien's stating that the orcs were made from elves has always been a sticky area for many.  How?  When?  And most certainly the reactions of those who were not taken by "the Hunter" in the dark twilit days of Cuivienen would more than likely be an increase in fear.  But a release has to be present.  To have these two brothers meet one another again on the field of battle and give each other over to death to be able to be together again was one of those stories that just wrote themselves.  I'm grateful for the story, and I'm immensely grateful for the review.  

- Erulisse (one L)