Spectrums by wind rider

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4. Plants

Genre: General


Rating: G


Notes: A double drabble. A companion piece to my story Brother Mine. Ereinion (Erin) was ten years old and Erestor (Eros) was one hundred years old. The story takes place in Hithlum, in Fingolfin’s fortress inherited by Fingon.


Summary: Little Ereinion could be obstinate about things. How did people go about melting his resolve? Erestor was new to this, but it did not mean that he was not up to the task…

“But those are just plants, Eros,” Ereinion protested. The argument had been as old as his previous tutor’s trying to teach him about plants and their aspects. Surely Master Galadel had told his successor that?


But Erestor just stared at him blankly, then, when the argument registered in his mind, exasperatedly. Why had he agreed to Lord Fingon to teach his son? He had been just a messenger from Lord Turgon, and he could have refused the request. Well, there was no use crying over spilled milk.


He brought Ereinion out to the garden. There he showed the child some athelas, bade him to smell the leaves, crushed some in his hand and asked Ereinion to do it again. Then they visited the kitchens for a small basin and heated water. He dumped the crushed leaves into the steaming container, and a unique fragrance went up.


Ereinion’s eyes lit up. “Can we bring it to the study, Eros?” he pleaded. “Perhaps we can have it every time too?”


“Could, Erin, could,” Erestor admonished, but he was smiling. “So now you would learn some more about it and its brethren?”


The child nodded eagerly. Erestor smirked to himself. One problem solved.

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