Spectrums by wind rider

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2. Pet

Genres: Drama, Family


Rating: G


Notes: This piece takes place in Dorthonion before the Battle of Sudden Flames. Morwen was six years old, while Rían was four. I did not find the names of their mothers in The Silmarillion, so I made up one according to the need of this piece. Taliska was their language, so I thought it would not be right to make the children say “Ada” and “Nana”; it is Sindarin.


Summary: a squirrel and a pair of young cousins with differing personalities… Chaos ensues.

“Mama! Morwen stole my squirrel!” Rían shrieked.


“It needs to go back to the wilds!” Morwen countered hotly. “Papa and Uncle Belegund said so.”


Rían wept and howled. “She can’t live alone!” she pleaded, while trying to seize the contested squirrel from her older cousin’s arms, which was chattering angrily, showing its displeasure at the noises and the jostling. The skin of Morwen’s arms was streaked red from its claws and the front of her dress was similarly torn.


Mellenel sighed with tired exasperation and put down the laundry basket she had been carrying. Time for some damage control, again.

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