Father-Names by Finch

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Fanwork Notes


Based on The Silmarillion, Tolkien's letters and the HoMe series.

Disclaimer: It's all dependent on Tolkien. He created these characters and their history, though the names of Himluin and Andrúth were invented by me.


First published: June 23, 2002

Fanwork Information


Maglor, rembembering the fate of Dior's sons, sets out to search for the sons of Elwing after the attack on the Havens of Sirion.

Major Characters: Elrond, Elros, Maedhros, Maglor

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama


Rating: General

Warnings: Mature Themes, Violence (Mild)

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 2 Word Count: 3, 589
Posted on 12 August 2011 Updated on 12 August 2011

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Father-Names

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I really enjoyed this fic, and was sad to see no one left a review. I liked the question of whether evil is a pit with a ground or is bottomless--and I like how the Feanorians can't answer that. The reason for Maglor giving Elros and Elrond new names also intruiged me and made that random fact make a  lot of sense.

Maglor was great in this piece. He was believably both the sensitive musician and yet a ruthless Feanorian. When he killed one of his men just because he wans't being truthful... wow. I wasn't expecting that, but it worked for Maglor. The reader, like that guard, forgot that Maglor is a Feanorian, a kinslayer, and he doesn't need to think twice about using violence. Yet, it haunts him afterwards, and that's why he wants to find Elwing's sons. Or he thinks he wants to--that was another one of my favorite moments. I think it was insightful pyschology that realize that Maglor didn't really want to find them and deal with the consequences, he just wanted to assuage his guilt a little.

So, I apologize that my review is a little jumbled and not well-written. I just thought this fic deserved some response!