Walking On the Dark Side by Erulisse

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Chapter 2 - Trouble Is As Trouble Does


Summary:  Did Melkor really intend to reform when he was captured and imprisoned by the Valar?  A response to the prompt “wink”.  


Title: Trouble Is As Trouble Does

Trouble Is As Trouble Does

He laughed as he cast down the pillars of light. Although the Valar searched long, they were unable to find him. Resigned, they built again, designing lamps of great size and radiance. But again he destroyed the light, allowing darkness to spread throughout Arda.

Retreating to his northern fortress, he waited. His siblings declared war against him, and although his forces were mighty, after long years he was defeated.

As the door of his prison in Mandos closed behind his brothers, he winked. Once more he would walk free, lull them, and eventually bring chaos and evil into Arda again.

Chapter End Notes

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