Walking On the Dark Side by Erulisse

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Chapter 5 - A Prize Catch

EDITED on October 20th to reflect changes and suggestions that strengthen the story.  

> Title: A Prize Catch

A Prize Catch


Seated on his throne of iron, as black as his fëa, Melkor allowed himself a momentary flash of joy and a quick smile.  The craven lying before him, face down on the filthy stones, bled from his rough treatment, so frightened that his excrement stained his naked thighs.  He was the key to the secret which had eluded him for so long. 


His face returned to a dead-pan expression as he addressed the prisoner.  His voice whipped his captive with fire-hot needles.  His tone modulated, he said softly, “So, Maeglin, tell me of your fair city.  Tell me of Gondolin.” 

Chapter End Notes

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