Walking On the Dark Side by Erulisse

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Chapter 4 - Dress Rehearsal


Summary:  Morgoth desires freedom after three long ages of imprisonment.  But to obtain it, he must convince the other Valar of his sincere repentance.  A response to the prompt “pull a face”.  



Dress Rehearsal


For three long ages he sat, chained, in the dungeon of Mandos' Halls, outraged by his captivity.  He was older than the Valar, wiser than the Valar, the only one who sang his own Song when the Allfather sang Eä into being.  He deserved accolades, not imprisonment. 


Now his long captivity was ending.  But to truly walk free again, he must abase himself in front of his brothers and sisters.  He pulled a face in the darkness of his cell.  Best to get his true disgust out of the way now.  He must be convincing while performing in the Máhanaxar. 


Chapter End Notes

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