About words by Aerlinn
Fanwork Notes
Andreth would not leave me alone until she spoke her mind: and so she did.
I doubt she really cannot write, she probably just doesn't want those stories, her people's stories, written down. It was, after all, an oral tradition. If this appears a tad one-sided and coloured, that is because it is. Just like the Athrabeth.
Fanwork Information
Your brother would have me believe it was your noble spirit that made you turn away from me. Yet I would not be so easily convinced, talk of the One be damned. Andreth speaks her mind. About Finrod, about words. About Aegnor, about fear. Song against ink, voice against fire.
Major Characters: Aegnor, Andreth, Elves, Finrod Felagund Major Relationships: Genre: Drama, General, Romance Challenges: Rating: General Warnings: This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 1, 354 |
Posted on 16 October 2011 | Updated on 16 October 2011 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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