Elemental Spirits by Beatrisu
Fanwork Notes
The world through the eyes of Maedhros.
Fanwork Information
Summary: Maedhros likens some of his loved ones to the elements. Major Characters: Fëanor, Fingon, Maedhros, Maglor, Nerdanel Major Relationships: Genre: General Challenges: Four Elements Rating: General Warnings: Mature Themes |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 176 |
Posted on 31 January 2012 | Updated on 31 January 2012 |
This fanwork is a work in progress. |
Chapter 1
Read Chapter 1
She was always as calm as the shifting masses of land his father talked about. He'd see her move around stone, lifting the chisel, then lowering it before taking a step back and squinting. Little particles of dust floated around her head, making it look like she wore wreaths of light in her hair, shining in on her and dancing around her from the large crystal windows overhead. His father had wanted to give her windows of stained glass, but she had furrowed her brow which she so often did around him, as if to tell him to think back a few steps before he did something rash and foolish. Never had Maedhros heard his mother raise her voice. Even when his father ranted and raved and spat profanities that he could hardly understand, his mother stayed calm. Somehow, she managed to calm his father, too. Like the fresh, brown earth they would toss onto the embers to quell them, she quelled his anger and calmed his face.
Maedhros used to think she was a mountain.
(1) Comment by Himring for Elemental Spirits [Ch 1]
This is lovely. Thank you for sharing!
(2) Comment by Talullah for Elemental Spirits [Ch 1]
That was so lovely, a mother seen through the eyes of her child. I love it that Nerdanel's strenght of character shows through her restraint, such a very important quality in a mother.
(3) Comment by Athrabeth for Elemental Spirits [Ch 1]
I like the sense of strength you convey in Nerdanel! She seems very much the immovable object to Feanor's unstoppable force.
I liked these lines:
"He'd see her move around stone, lifting the chisel, then lowering it before taking a step back and squinting."
"...but she had furrowed her brow which she so often did around him, as if to tell him to think back a few steps before he did something rash and foolish."
They make it sound like Nerdanel is really someone who considers small details, and really thinks about all the consequences of an action, before and after.