On Not Leaving Gondolin by Himring

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On Not Leaving Gondolin (again)

'My dear Tuor, we can't possibly evacuate Gondolin in the middle of a heat wave!'

Characters: Turgon, Tuor

Rating: General

'My dear Tuor,' said Turgon, leaning next to his son-in-law out of a window high up in the Tower of the King, 'we can't possibly evacuate Gondolin in the middle of a heat wave. We're just past the Gates of Summer and you know what it's like outside at noon. Can you see the air shimmering in the heat above the rooftops?'

Tuor sighed. Turgon had turned out to be a past master at procrastination. His long list of excuses for not leaving Gondolin had to be heard to be believed.

'I thought elves were supposed to be impervious to the heat,' he nevertheless tried to argue feebly, although his own forehead was beaded with sweat.

'My dear boy,' said Turgon, in honest astonishment. 'Wherever did you get that idea?

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