Magloriana by Himring, Elleth, , Agelast

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Chapter 2

The second drabble is by Agelast (Moetushie).

Maglor after the War of Wrath.

Finally, he thinks, as the Silmaril’s light is extinguished by the sea. He is left swaying in the surf, the saltwater burning at the raw skin of his hands. No more mad brothers, no more mad oaths, no more stolen children. No future.

Nothing but the past that he is entirely cut off from.

As the tide rises around him, his abandoned breastplate bangs hard against his shins. It would be appropriate, if he should drown. But no, that time has already gone.

Instead, he makes his way back to the shore, his mind abuzz.

Death, of many deaths I’ll sing.

Chapter End Notes

Acknowledgement: The final sentence is a quotation from Walt Whitman.

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