50 Prompts: AU Silmarillion by Urloth

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Prompt: Replacement (Finwe, Miriel, Indis, Finarfin, Irime, Findis.)


Summary: In Mandos, being offered rebirth and his kingship returned, Finwë instead appoints a surprising regent.


 “Go. Go now amongst the living as my replacement. Go as mine spouse and mine regent, and on the throne you shall sit and fair you will rule until our son is returned to me.”

Thus Finwë Noldoran’s words did ring in the ears of all who mourned and feared within the dark, for even shorn of his body the High King had Power, though used sparingly in the days of his life.

From Mandos came Míriel Þerindë, upon her head the crown of Finwë was set by Neinna, and upon his throne she sat. And though the people did cry out in outrage there was no disobeying the word of the one whose name was synonymous with kingship.

To Alqualondë she sent Arafinwë as blood-hostage to ensure there would never again be red-swelling froth along the diamond dusted shores.

To the Hall of Vairë she sent the Princesses Findis and Irimë, escorted by a guard strong and true, to weave the fates of their kinsmen and pray for intercession of said fates.

And to Taniquetil she sent Indis, with no words to her fellow Queen say "leave and never return."

Back she sent Indis, back to her brother-kin who would take her in.

Back she sent Indis with every gown and robe ever created by the swift and talented hands of the Noldor seamstresses.

Back she sent Indis with every trinket, every book, every weaving she had acquired in her days as Queen.

Back she sent Indis with the entirety of the Fair Singer's dower, not an ounce of gold less but not an ounce of gold more.

And so began the reign of Míriel Þerindë, and long did she rule, and fairly, until not only her son but all of her grandsons were returned into the embrace of her Husband Finwë.


Chapter End Notes

Did the dark and worrisome tones come creeping through this like I hoped they would? Yes? Good. Stealth dark fic is stealth.

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