50 Prompts: AU Silmarillion by Urloth

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Prompt: Avian (Tar-Miriel and OC)

“My Lady I think you should wear a pompadour,” Míriel’s little maid (new to her job and so frightened of serving royalty) insists, hands fluttering, large eyes larger than usual, and her own flat brown hair put up in a puffed up style.

“I prefer it loose,” Míriel insists. A pompadour is the latest style but she is unmarried and has no wish to twist her hair up so massively into outrageous mountains.

“I really think you should,” her maid, Míriel calls her Wren in her mind because she can never quite remember her name, insists.

Míriel sighs and glances at her. She might have dismissed the idea firmly but there is something in the frightened darting of Wren’s eyes that makes her…

“Why do you think I should put my hair in a pompadour?” she asks gently.

“Well…you see..because…” Wren’s small hand flutters up and tugs at the little coral beads in her hair, which slides out to reveal it is the end of a long hair pin… a long, very sharp, hair pin.

“I ..I don’t like the way Lord Pharazôn looks at you My Lady,” little Wren admits in a whisper.

Míriel looks at her for a long moment.

“Put as many as you can into my hair,” she turns and looks back into the mirror as Wren’s deft little hands set to work.

“My Lady?”


“My Lord Father says that the best way to a man’s brain is through his eye.”

“I shall keep that in mind.”

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