Smith of Nargathrond by Lipstick

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


Mandos fic madness for Halloween. In the halls of waiting, on the ward of the Ñ-specials, Tyelpe Curufinwion, Fëanorian brat extraordinaire, tells of his coming to Gondolin.

Written for alackofghosts on tumblr whose character design for Tyelpe I have shamelessly stolen. It was her art who made me wonder how this could happen.


Major Characters: Celebrimbor, Curufin, Finduilas, Gelmir, Gwindor, Idril, Maedhros, Maeglin, Rog

Major Relationships:



Rating: Adult

Warnings: Rape/Nonconsensual Sex, Torture

Chapters: 4 Word Count: 20, 050
Posted on 8 November 2014 Updated on 24 November 2014

This fanwork is a work in progress.

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Table of Contents

Maeglin's beautiful tattoos came from the images drawn by the superbly talented and witty givenclarity on Tumblr. I'm going to shamelessly steal more of her characterisation of Maeglin in the next chapter. For now, enjoy the image of him here.

On a geekier note, I imagine Gondolin situated in a deeply scoured glacial corrie on sedimentary rock, not in a volcanic caldera. This minor detail has relevance to the plot

Comments on Smith of Nargathrond

The Silmarillion Writers' Guild is more than just an archive--we are a community! If you enjoy a fanwork or enjoy a creator's work, please consider letting them know in a comment.

What a great story! My favourite part so far (sorry boys!) is the Nîd-naur. Really scary - probably playing on my claustrophobia. And Uncle Maedhros is as fantastic as ever.

I'm so glad the Feanorians are talking to you again - Talking Hurts is probably one of the reasons why I'm here. (Incidentally, it was me who contacted you back in 2010 about saving your stories in the Library of Tirion :D)

Oh goodness, thank you ever so much. I am shocked anybody remembers me, thank you so much for taking the effort to email me, I had completely forgot about it and then I discovered my stories were already archived here when I heard HASA was going down. It amazes me constantly the effort wonderful people put in to keeping this fandom alive. I'm in awe of you.


I'm 3/4 way through a degree right now so I've had to take a break from SoN for a few weeks, but I hope to update again in the New Year. Thank you so, so much for the encouragement. It means so much.

Ohh, I wrote a long-overdue review on one of your other stories, and completely failed to notice there was a new one! 

This story is fascinating. I like the banter between the...ghosts? Mandos. It's humorous but also insightful. And you've done something I thought impossibe; you've made me feel sympathy for Maeglin! He's always one of those characters I was quick to write off, and now I'm feeling guilty for it, haha.

Great story! 

Why do all people hate Eol? I refer to a tale by Marnie, in which his thoughts are explained very well.

And then his son, Maeglin, torn between two worlds, without someone to guide him, like Erenion by Cirdan...

I think, it is a good explanation, he only wants to marry Idril, to get the love,the appreciation, he is missing so badly.

And then this idea, Enerdhil, the one, who made the green stone for Galadriel, in one of Tolkien' s stories, to be the alias  of Celebrimbor, who forced it in a different, and both of them are meant to have done it for love? Excellent!

Okay, I read your bio, that was explanation...

You are Welsh, you may use welsh words...

But, please, please, please!

Go on writing with this story!
