Short Tales of Arda by grey_gazania

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Written for Kaywinnet on Tumblr.

Sometimes Fingolfin wishes that Fingon did not take quite so strongly after Anaire - usually on days when he comes home trailing mud, one shoe lost, but grinning his mother's grin despite his scraped knees and torn cloak as he recounts his latest bit of mischief at top speed.


On other days, he wishes Turgon could be less like him - looser, able to shed insults like their peaked roofs shed water, not trapped in the role of the dutiful child. And Aredhel - oh, Aredhel has the worst of them both, her mother's rashness and her father's unbending pride.


But it is Fingon's disregard for all fear that mends the rift in their people, and it is Turgon's caution and consideration that builds a city where Idril can grow in safety. Aredhel's reckless pride? That drives her to give everything to protect her son. And as the High King of the Noldor rides to his doom, he knows he could not wish his children to be anything other than they are.

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