Short Tales of Arda by grey_gazania

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Pray for the Foxes

Fixed-length ficlet (150 words) inspired by the Silmfic Prompt Generator: 'Let us pray for the foxes sleeping in your knees. May you always know when to run.’ -Caitlyn Siehl, 'A Prayer’

They call me the shipwright, and my hands have indeed shaped wood into many vessels that sail the seas. But they have also shaped these cities, raised them up in wood and stone, created a place for all the Eldar to take refuge, for I do not believe in vengeance, even vengeance by inaction.


Now my cities burn. Great clouds of smoke rise from the walls, and the armies of Morgoth are battering at our doors, breaking like waves against the levees. Every man, woman, and child who can wield a weapon is fighting in defense of our home, but they fall by the hundreds, slain by the sword or the smoke or the orcs' poisoned arrows.


My people are dying, and I have only one way to save them.


"Fall back! Fall back to the ships! We make for Balar!"


A wise leader must always know when to run.

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