Short Tales of Arda by grey_gazania

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Curufin and Celebrimbor struggle with the absence of Celebrimbor's mother.

"Atto, will Ammë come tomorrow?"


"No, Tyelpo," Curufin said quietly, pulling up the blankets and tucking them in around his son.




"Because she did not come with us to the boats, and now there is no way for her to cross the sea."


"But why didn't she come?" Celebrimbor frowned and reached out a small hand, catching his father's shirtsleeve.


"I don't know," Curufin said softly. "Hush and sleep now, all right?"


"Can I have a song, Atto?"


"All right." He brushed some hair off the boy's forehead and began to hum softly. Celebrimbor closed his eyes, and his breathing soon became deep and even. Once Curufin was certain his son was asleep, he gently tucked the blankets more securely around him, blew out the candle, and stepped into the hall.




He turned. "Tyelko."


"Does he ask that every night?" Celegorm jerked his head in the direction of the room where Tyelpo slept.


"Close to it," Curufin answered, voice quiet.


Celegorm fidgeted and asked, a little awkwardly, "How are you?"


"I'm fine," Curufin said stiffly. "Why wouldn't I be?"


Celegorm shrugged. "I thought maybe you might…miss her."


"Miss her?" Curufin crossed his arms and looked at his brother incredulously. "I don't miss her. She left us; she's not worth missing."




"I'm going to bed," Curufin said abruptly, cutting Celegorm off.


Celegorm was silent for a moment. "All right,” he said. “But if--"


"I'm going to bed." Curufin turned away, mouth set in a firm line.


Celegorm sighed. "All right. Sleep well, little brother."


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