Short Tales of Arda by grey_gazania

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White Light


Dinner was finished and the kitchen clean, and Nelyo had taken Moryo to his room to read before putting him to bed; Turco had gone out hunting a few days earlier, Kano was at Taniquetil visiting Elemmírë, and the house was unusually still.


"Come watch the Lights with me, melissë?" Fëanáro asked, slipping an arm around Nerdanel's waist.


She leaned closer, resting her head against his shoulder, and said, "Gladly."


When they were seated in the garden Nerdanel asked, "How has Carnistir been in the forge?"


Fëanáro sighed. "He has the most technical skill of the boys, I think, but he is uninspired. I've half a mind to ask him to watch the Lights each evening; perhaps that would induce some inventiveness."


"He might do better in the studio with me. And he is still quite young." Twining her fingers in his, she said gently, "It's not as though our sons lack talent, melindo - look at Tyelko and Makalaurë. And you can't call Maitimo useless."  She tipped her head and looked over at Fëanáro curiously. "And what exactly would watching the Lights do for him?"


"Don't you find the Light inspiring?"


Nerdanel considered a moment. "I find the Light beautiful," she said eventually. "I find it calming. But it doesn't offer me an inspiration for work the forge."  She pointed to one of the orange trees that grew near the house. "The Light on the trees, yes, or the Light on water... or the Light on you. But not the Light on its own.  It can't be caught; we can't make the Trees over again."


"Catching it wouldn't be making the Trees over again," Fëanáro countered. "Only preserving something beautiful."


"But why does it need preserving? It's right there to be seen, every evening."


"To see if it can be done," Fëanáro said matter-of-factly.  "Is that not reason enough?"


Nerdanel gave him a small smile. "For you, Fëanáro, I think that is always reason enough.  But it seems an exercise in vanity."


Fëanáro shook his head, but said only, "It would be far beyond Moryo's skill, at any rate."


Nerdanel ran a hand through his hair and leaned against his shoulder. "I know it's difficult for you, but appreciate it for the beauty it has," she advised, "rather than trying to improve it?"


"Difficult in everything but you," he answered softly, wrapping his arms around her.  "My beautiful wife."


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