Bouquet, for Femslash Bingo 2016 by Urloth

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20th July - G38 Cherry Blossom: Transience of Life. Aredhel/Elenwe

Oh… oh the cherry blossoms on the hillside where her brother wed his wife. They will be blossoming right now. They must be blossoming right now, long spindly limbs of trees suddenly frothy with that pinkish lacy texture. There will not be a scent but there will be a sound, the frantic buzz of bees who find such a resplendent bounty there.

She can see the whole orchard as it was when the wedding took place. The tables of well-wishers in their finery, the tables spread with a feast, her family arrayed like a kinder version of the cruel constellations above her head.

The bride.

Oh the bride.

She wants to take that bride into her arms and steal kisses from her. She wants to see that bride again, and take in the light of her eyes and the warmth of her skin. The whisper soft brush of lips against her cheek. The desperate shiver of want held in check between them both.

Yes she’s there, amongst the blossoming cherry trees and Aredhel can just make out her hair beneath the veil.

Her dress and… her smile and… her laughter… and… it is so cold. It is so cold.

Aredhel shivers and her lashes freeze her eyes shut, causing her to scream, one more howl of misery to add to those who wail for the loss of Elenwë; swept away as easily as those blossoms were.

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