Quenya Names: First Aid by Himring

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Fanwork Notes

Please note: this is not an official list!

This is a quick help list only, with no claim to canonical authority, compiled in haste for any new readers who might need help during the ongoing Silmarillion40.
I have read most of the canonical sources containing this material at some time or other (many of the names of the Noldor are discussed in "The Shibboleth of Fëanor" in Peoples of Middle-earth). But what I've actually used here is the "Quenya names" links page on Tolkien Gateway and the linked entries.
Suggestions for corrections and additions welcome, but please don't cite any of this as canonical without checking it first or shoot me for any error you may find.

Fanwork Information


A quick and dirty compilation of Quenya names used in fan fiction and their meanings, for readers who are having problems with working out who is who in fic.

Major Characters:

Major Relationships:

Artwork Type: No artwork type listed

Genre: Nonfiction/Meta


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 685
Posted on 1 October 2017 Updated on 1 October 2017

This fanwork is a work in progress.

Chapter 1

Read Chapter 1


Aikanáro: Aegnor's mother-name, glossed as "fell fire"

Aiwendil: Radagast in Valinor, glossed as "lover of birds"

Alatar: one of the Blue Wizards

Altáriel: glossed as "maiden crowned with radiant garland", Galadriel, Quenya equivalent of name given her by Celeborn in Telerin as Alatáriel or in Sindarin as Galadriel

Ambaráto: glossed as "champion of doom", Aegnor's father-name

Ambarto: name given to Amras, changed from Umbarto, which meant "the fated", glossed as: "upwards-exalted" (sometimes applied to Amrod)

Ambarussa: Nerdanel's mother-name for her twin sons Amrod and Amras, glossed as "top-russet"

Angamaitë: Angrod's epessë (by-name), glossed as "iron hand"

Angaráto: Angrod's father-name, glossed as "iron champion"

Aracáno, Arakáno: Fingolfin's mother-name, glossed as "high chieftain"; also the name of his youngest son Argon

Arafinwë: Finarfin's father-name, glossed as "noble Finwë"

Artaher: later name for Orodreth (Arothir in Sindarin)

Artanis: Galadriel's father-name, glossed as "noble woman"

Artanáro: apparently Gil-galad's father-name (corresponding to Sindarin: Rodnor)

Artano: one of the epithets of Sauron when he presented himself as Annatar

Artaresto: Orodreth, apparently meaning "mountain climber"

Astaldo: "the Valiant", epithet both of Tulkas; also used in fandom to translate  Fingon's epithet "the Valiant"

Atarincë, Atarinkë: mother-name of Curufin, glossed as "little father"

Aulendil: one of the names of Sauron when he presented himself as Annatar


C (see also K)

Carnistir: mother-name of Caranthir, glossed as "red-face".

Curufinwë: "skillful (son of) Finwë", father-name of Fëanor, and also of Curufin his son

Curumo: "cunning", the name (in Valinor) of Saruman

Curvo: Curufin's nickname, used by his family



Eldalótë: glossed as "high-elven flower", Angrod's wife (Sindarin: Edhellos, Eðellos)

Elerondo: apparently the Quenya form of Elrond (glossed as "star dome", earlier also glossed as: "elf of the cave")

Elerossë: Elros Tar-Minyatur (glossed as "elf of the spray" or "star-foam")



Falmari: glossed as "wave-folk", Teleri (apparently properly referring to Teleri of Aman)

Fëanáro: mother-name of Fëanor, glossed as "spirit of fire"

Findaráto: glossed as "(golden-)haired champion", Finrod Felagund

Findekáno, Findecáno: Fingon's father-name, seemingly consisting of findë ("hair") + káno ("commander"), but the first element here probably really means "skill" or "Finwean".



Ingoldo: mother-name of Finarfin, glossed as "The Noldo" or "The Wise" (also earlier as: Ingalaurë), also a name of Finrod

Itarildë, Itarillë: glossed as "sparkling brilliance", Idril

Írimë: Lalwen (earlier Írien, perhaps her father-name)

Írissë: Aredhel, Ar-Feiniel (Sindarin Íreth)


K (see also C)

Kanafinwë: father-name of Maglor, glossed as "strong-voiced Finwë" (short form: Kano)



Lalwendë: Lalwen's mother-name

Laurefindil: glossed as "golden head of hair", Glorfindel

Lómion: glossed as "child of the Twilight", mother-name of Maeglin



Makalaurë, Macalaurë: mother-name of Maglor, glossed as "gold-cleaver"

Maitimo: mother-name of Maedhros, glossed as "well-shaped one"

Melyanna: Melian, glossed as "love + gift"

Morifinwë: father-name of Caranthir, glossed as "dark Finwë" (short form: Moryo)

Morinehtar: glossed as "darkness-slayer", one of the Blue Wizards



Nelyafinwë: father-name of Maedhros, glossed as "third Finwë" (short form: Nelyo)

Nelyar: Teleri

Nerwen: Galadriel's mother-name, glossed as "man-maiden".

Ñolofinwë: Fingolfin's father-name, glossed as "wise Finwë"

Nowë: earlier name of Círdan



Olórin: Gandalf in Valinor, name associated with the word olos or olor, meaning "dream" or "vision / of mind"



Pallando: one of the Blue Wizards

Pityafinwë: father-name of Amrod, glossed as "little Finwë" (short form: Pityo)



Quendingoldo or Quengoldo: Pengolodh, glossed as "'teaching sage, doctor of lore"



Rómestámo, Róme(n)star: glossed as "east-helper", one of the Blue Wizards

Russandol: epessë (by-name) of Maedhros, eldest son of Fëanor, glossed as "copper-top" (with allusion to red hair)


S (also TH)

Sindicollo, Þindicollo: Thingol, glossed as: "grey cloak"



Telperinquar (also: Tyelperinquar): Celebrimbor's father-name, glossed as: "silver fist"

Teleporno (also: Telporno): Celeborn, glossed as "silver-tree" or "silver-tall"

Telufinwë: father-name Amras, glossed as "last Finwë" (short form: Telvo)

Turcafinwë, Turkafinwë: father-name of Celegorm, glossed as "Strong, powerful (in body) Finwë" (short form: Turko)

Turukáno: Turgon's father-name, contains the element káno "commander"

Tyelkormo, Tyelcormo: mother-name of Celegorm, glossed as "hasty riser"



Umbarto: a mother-name given to Amras meaning " the fated" (sometimes applied to Amrod)

Ungweliantë: glossed as "dark spider", Ungoliant

Urundil: glossed as "copper-lover", a name given to Mahtan


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You're not the only one who has used Quenya names and I don't think you'll be the last!

It can be difficult, sometimes, for readers unfamiliar with them to imagine that sometimes, for the writer, the fic doesn't work without them, because they just don't sound right, for the characters at that point in the narrative.

And for writers, it can be difficult to remember that not all readers work out quickly that those names do have a basis in canon (in HoME) and that there are online reference works like Tolkien Gateway in which they are quite thoroughly covered.

Anyway, I hope this list will help a bit!

What a great idea! Thank you for looking/writing this all up.

What might be useful is to note that C and K actually denote the same sound (which is why Tolkien uses them interchangeably, of course), since there still seems to be some confusion about that - not so much in this list, but in Quenya studies in general.

Aracáno could also be Argon, no? (glossed as 'noble gas' -- now I'm just being silly. I'll shut up now!)