Quenya Names: First Aid by Himring

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Chapter 1


Aikanáro: Aegnor's mother-name, glossed as "fell fire"

Aiwendil: Radagast in Valinor, glossed as "lover of birds"

Alatar: one of the Blue Wizards

Altáriel: glossed as "maiden crowned with radiant garland", Galadriel, Quenya equivalent of name given her by Celeborn in Telerin as Alatáriel or in Sindarin as Galadriel

Ambaráto: glossed as "champion of doom", Aegnor's father-name

Ambarto: name given to Amras, changed from Umbarto, which meant "the fated", glossed as: "upwards-exalted" (sometimes applied to Amrod)

Ambarussa: Nerdanel's mother-name for her twin sons Amrod and Amras, glossed as "top-russet"

Angamaitë: Angrod's epessë (by-name), glossed as "iron hand"

Angaráto: Angrod's father-name, glossed as "iron champion"

Aracáno, Arakáno: Fingolfin's mother-name, glossed as "high chieftain"; also the name of his youngest son Argon

Arafinwë: Finarfin's father-name, glossed as "noble Finwë"

Artaher: later name for Orodreth (Arothir in Sindarin)

Artanis: Galadriel's father-name, glossed as "noble woman"

Artanáro: apparently Gil-galad's father-name (corresponding to Sindarin: Rodnor)

Artano: one of the epithets of Sauron when he presented himself as Annatar

Artaresto: Orodreth, apparently meaning "mountain climber"

Astaldo: "the Valiant", epithet both of Tulkas; also used in fandom to translate  Fingon's epithet "the Valiant"

Atarincë, Atarinkë: mother-name of Curufin, glossed as "little father"

Aulendil: one of the names of Sauron when he presented himself as Annatar


C (see also K)

Carnistir: mother-name of Caranthir, glossed as "red-face".

Curufinwë: "skillful (son of) Finwë", father-name of Fëanor, and also of Curufin his son

Curumo: "cunning", the name (in Valinor) of Saruman

Curvo: Curufin's nickname, used by his family



Eldalótë: glossed as "high-elven flower", Angrod's wife (Sindarin: Edhellos, Eðellos)

Elerondo: apparently the Quenya form of Elrond (glossed as "star dome", earlier also glossed as: "elf of the cave")

Elerossë: Elros Tar-Minyatur (glossed as "elf of the spray" or "star-foam")



Falmari: glossed as "wave-folk", Teleri (apparently properly referring to Teleri of Aman)

Fëanáro: mother-name of Fëanor, glossed as "spirit of fire"

Findaráto: glossed as "(golden-)haired champion", Finrod Felagund

Findekáno, Findecáno: Fingon's father-name, seemingly consisting of findë ("hair") + káno ("commander"), but the first element here probably really means "skill" or "Finwean".



Ingoldo: mother-name of Finarfin, glossed as "The Noldo" or "The Wise" (also earlier as: Ingalaurë), also a name of Finrod

Itarildë, Itarillë: glossed as "sparkling brilliance", Idril

Írimë: Lalwen (earlier Írien, perhaps her father-name)

Írissë: Aredhel, Ar-Feiniel (Sindarin Íreth)


K (see also C)

Kanafinwë: father-name of Maglor, glossed as "strong-voiced Finwë" (short form: Kano)



Lalwendë: Lalwen's mother-name

Laurefindil: glossed as "golden head of hair", Glorfindel

Lómion: glossed as "child of the Twilight", mother-name of Maeglin



Makalaurë, Macalaurë: mother-name of Maglor, glossed as "gold-cleaver"

Maitimo: mother-name of Maedhros, glossed as "well-shaped one"

Melyanna: Melian, glossed as "love + gift"

Morifinwë: father-name of Caranthir, glossed as "dark Finwë" (short form: Moryo)

Morinehtar: glossed as "darkness-slayer", one of the Blue Wizards



Nelyafinwë: father-name of Maedhros, glossed as "third Finwë" (short form: Nelyo)

Nelyar: Teleri

Nerwen: Galadriel's mother-name, glossed as "man-maiden".

Ñolofinwë: Fingolfin's father-name, glossed as "wise Finwë"

Nowë: earlier name of Círdan



Olórin: Gandalf in Valinor, name associated with the word olos or olor, meaning "dream" or "vision / of mind"



Pallando: one of the Blue Wizards

Pityafinwë: father-name of Amrod, glossed as "little Finwë" (short form: Pityo)



Quendingoldo or Quengoldo: Pengolodh, glossed as "'teaching sage, doctor of lore"



Rómestámo, Róme(n)star: glossed as "east-helper", one of the Blue Wizards

Russandol: epessë (by-name) of Maedhros, eldest son of Fëanor, glossed as "copper-top" (with allusion to red hair)


S (also TH)

Sindicollo, Þindicollo: Thingol, glossed as: "grey cloak"



Telperinquar (also: Tyelperinquar): Celebrimbor's father-name, glossed as: "silver fist"

Teleporno (also: Telporno): Celeborn, glossed as "silver-tree" or "silver-tall"

Telufinwë: father-name Amras, glossed as "last Finwë" (short form: Telvo)

Turcafinwë, Turkafinwë: father-name of Celegorm, glossed as "Strong, powerful (in body) Finwë" (short form: Turko)

Turukáno: Turgon's father-name, contains the element káno "commander"

Tyelkormo, Tyelcormo: mother-name of Celegorm, glossed as "hasty riser"



Umbarto: a mother-name given to Amras meaning " the fated" (sometimes applied to Amrod)

Ungweliantë: glossed as "dark spider", Ungoliant

Urundil: glossed as "copper-lover", a name given to Mahtan

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