Graveyard Shift by Himring
Fanwork Notes
This is written for the Sitcom challenge, for the prompt "Getting Volunteered".
Perhaps it looks as if I was intentionally trying to make my fill as non-Sitcom-like as possible, but it is more likely that I have not quite recovered from the effect of all the Alqualonde fic that was written for the Reverse Big Bang...
The character death warning is for canonical deaths that precede the actual narrative.
Fanwork Information
Summary: After the First Kinslaying, Maglor's wife ends up with a grim duty. Has she been volunteered by others? Or maybe she did choose it herself, after all? In the confusion of the times, that may not be an easy distinction to make. Major Characters: Noldor, Teleri Major Relationships: Genre: General Challenges: Sitcom Rating: Teens Warnings: Character Death |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 781 |
Posted on 5 October 2018 | Updated on 5 October 2018 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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In Himring 'verse, Maglor's wife is a Telerin musician and remained behind in Aman.
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