Starting Over by Himring

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Chapter 1

PG just for a very discreet allusion to Celebrimbor's regrets

‘This’ said Mahtan, ‘did not come out quite right, you see? It will have to be melted down in the crucible, in the fire, and we will have to begin anew.’

Celebrimbor was flattered by the unjustified implication that he was helping Mahtan. But he was even more impressed by his calmness; Mahtan, he felt, really did not mind that this attempt had failed!

Two Ages later, Celebrimbor watched Narvi cheerfully melt down an exquisite, slightly unbalanced weather-vane, as if he had all the time in the world. How ever Celebrimbor himself, longer-lived, yearned for new beginnings—never without regret.

Chapter End Notes

Also for the Tolkien Weekly prompt: weather vane.


100 words in MS Word

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