Uphill, Downriver by swampdiamonds

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Fanwork Notes

Many thanks to adenydd at tumblr for her help with calculating distances, and to croclock for beta-ing and general encouragement!

Fanwork Information


Three border guards have an unexpected encounter on the North-marches of Nargothrond.

Major Characters: Gwindor, Túrin

Major Relationships:

Genre: General


Rating: Teens


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 5, 044
Posted on 14 October 2013 Updated on 14 October 2013

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Uphill, Downriver

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Interesting account. It feels like it should be part of long narrative. The oppressive feeling of beleaguerment is painful. My favorite lines were these:

"Then it hit me. "You've been talking to your grandmother."

Celongil's grandmother was from one of the Northern tribes. She had opinions about everything the Noldor did, and wasn't shy about sharing them.

"Well, yes," he said. "But you know, she did live up there for ages, so she ought to know."