Nevrast by Dilly

Fanwork Information


Turgon before Vinyamar... Drabble, English and French versions.

Major Characters: Elenwë, Turgon

Major Relationships:

Artwork Type: No artwork type listed

Genre: Drama, Fixed-Length Ficlet, General, Het


Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2, 495
Posted on 3 December 2014 Updated on 3 December 2014

This fanwork is complete.


Read Nevrast

Title :  Nevrast

Rating :  PG

Nombre de mots :  102

Characters/Pairing : Turgon (Turgon/Elenwë implied)

Notes : The scene takes place in Nevrast, before the building of Vinyamar.

The translation (from french) is by Himring. A lot of thanks to her !



The night before, the snow had mingled with the salt, covering the sand with a thin powdery crust that crackled under his boots. The north-western air, blowing from on high in a series of gentle gusts, was moist and cold, as if laden with the weight of invisible snow. 

Here, the world seemed veiled. The horizon above the Belegaer had disappeared, swallowed up in purple mist.

The elf took deep breaths. He did not know yet whether he would be able to love that smell of rotten seaweed, those sleek rocks that seemed covered with long green hair and the cries of the white birds calling for departure, whereas he did not wish to travel anywhere – whereas he did not wish for anything anymore at all.


Titre: Nevrast

Personnages/pairings : Turgon/Elenwë

Rating: PG

Nombre de mots : 102

Remarques : Ecrit pour ma bingocard Gondolin sur Tumblr... La scène se passe en Nevrast, peu avant la construction de Vinyamar



La nuit précédente, la neige s'était mêlée au sel, recouvrant le sable d'une fine croûte poussiéreuse qui craquait sous ses bottes. L'air du nord ouest, descendant en rafales douces, était humide et froid, comme chargé de neige invisible.

Ici, le monde semblait voilé. L'horizon du Belegaer avait disparu, absorbé par la brume violette.

L'elfe respira profondément. Il ne savait pas encore si il pouvait aimer cette odeur d'algues rancies, ces roches lisses semblant couvertes de longs cheveux verts, et les cris des oiseaux blancs, qui appelaient au départ, alors que lui ne désirait voyager nulle part – alors que lui ne désirait plus rien.




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