The Brightest of Us All by Ilye

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Fanwork Notes

Dramatis personae:
Fëanáro: Fëanor
Ñolofinwë: Fingolfin
Findekáno: Fingon
Lalwendë: Lalwen
Maitimo/Russandol: Maedhros
Makalaurë: Maglor
Carnistir: Caranthir
Curufinwë/Curvo: Curufin
Tyelkormo: Celegorm
Ambarussa: Amras/Amrod
Tyelperinquar: Celebrimbor
Arakáno: Argon
Rocco: Rochallor (literally Quenya/Sindarin for "horse")
Irissë: Aredhel
Osombauko: Gothmog

Dramatis locae:
Mistaringë: Mithrim
Valariandë: Beleriand
Angamando: Angband

Fanwork Information


AU in which Fëanor survives the Battle Under the Stars, Maedhros still gets captured, Fingon still pulls his disappearing solo operatic stunt, Fingolfin is remarkably philosophical for someone who’s been exiled by accident, and everyone still speaks Quenya because Thingol hasn’t had time to ban it yet.

Major Characters: Fëanor, Fingolfin, Fingon, Lalwen, Maedhros, Maglor, Sons of Fëanor

Major Relationships:

Genre: Alternate Universe, Drama


Rating: General


Chapters: 5 Word Count: 18, 186
Posted on 25 May 2015 Updated on 23 June 2015

This fanwork is complete.

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Table of Contents

The battle that might have been. I am no expert in battle strategy, but any parallels to the Nirnaeth Arnoediad are entirely deliberate.

Additional dramatis personae:
Angaráto: Angrod
Aikanáro: Aegnor
Findaráto: Finrod
Artanis: Galadriel

Additional dramatis locae:
Haloronti: Ered Wethrin (lit. “Shadowed Mountains”)
Ard-galen: Laiquarda (lit. “Green Region”)
Thánendor: Dorthonion

Comments on The Brightest of Us All

The Silmarillion Writers' Guild is more than just an archive--we are a community! If you enjoy a fanwork or enjoy a creator's work, please consider letting them know in a comment.

Oh, this is original! I really, really like. I love the details--the repeated “You are an arsehole" exchange is perfect and totally believable.

I love all of the family interactions. The ring very true, or perhaps more one of few possible interpretations that could feel true to me. So many small details delight me. I love you included Lalwen--ten years and nearly 100 stories later I wish had when I was plotting my backstory of these same characters, too many words under the bridge for me to go back and re-work that now. I love that others beside just Fingon are trying to find him.

Curufin, ha! That made me giggle. Afraid he is not the favorite anymore.

Of course, I love most of all that Feanor survives and a chance to look at how that might have changed the story. I love seeing him begin to let go and listen to others. Maedhros may have been tempered by his suffering, but then so has Feanor.

The flip in who had the most internal difficulties in keeping their flock in order is really interesting to read. The fanon favorite is that Maedhros would have problems with the Feanorians when he hands the crown over to Fingolfin. Here Fingolfin's willingness to deal with Feanor makes problems for him among his followers. I really like the considerations that your storyline manifests when you change an outcome like this big one--Feanor lives--so many little things must change as well.

Obviously, I really enjoyed it! Thanks so very much for sharing.

I like where and the way it ends. But you know how fanfic readers are--we always want more of good thing--putting all literary or artistic considerations aside.

Extremely entertaining AU.

Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry for not responding to this before! The email must have gone into my spam or something.

Thank you so much for such a fantastic review! Writing Feanor was a first for me - I'd always been slightly intimidated by him before, but I actually found that I really enjoyed him. And there was so very much that needed considering, because Feanor's survival had the power to completely derail all the events in the Silmarillion. This was just one take, but there were many others I considered so I'm glad to hear that it worked. 

(Of course, I wasn't actually brave - or stupid? - enough to write the outcome of the Nirnaeth. That could have been a whole can of worms! And I'm still not sure what happened! Nonetheless, the temptation to continue with the storyline was very strong; I just don't think it would have done the story any favours.)

Again, thank you for reviewing, this was wonderful to read :) And I'm off to check my email spam filters!