The Brightest of Us All by Ilye
Fanwork Notes
Dramatis personae:
Fëanáro: Fëanor
Ñolofinwë: Fingolfin
Findekáno: Fingon
Lalwendë: Lalwen
Maitimo/Russandol: Maedhros
Makalaurë: Maglor
Carnistir: Caranthir
Curufinwë/Curvo: Curufin
Tyelkormo: Celegorm
Ambarussa: Amras/Amrod
Tyelperinquar: Celebrimbor
Arakáno: Argon
Rocco: Rochallor (literally Quenya/Sindarin for "horse")
Irissë: Aredhel
Osombauko: Gothmog
Dramatis locae:
Mistaringë: Mithrim
Valariandë: Beleriand
Angamando: Angband
Fanwork Information
Summary: AU in which Fëanor survives the Battle Under the Stars, Maedhros still gets captured, Fingon still pulls his disappearing solo operatic stunt, Fingolfin is remarkably philosophical for someone who’s been exiled by accident, and everyone still speaks Quenya because Thingol hasn’t had time to ban it yet. Major Characters: Fëanor, Fingolfin, Fingon, Lalwen, Maedhros, Maglor, Sons of Fëanor Major Relationships: Genre: Alternate Universe, Drama Challenges: Rating: General Warnings: |
Chapters: 5 | Word Count: 18, 186 |
Posted on 25 May 2015 | Updated on 23 June 2015 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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Table of Contents
The battle that might have been. I am no expert in battle strategy, but any parallels to the Nirnaeth Arnoediad are entirely deliberate.
Additional dramatis personae:
Angaráto: Angrod
Aikanáro: Aegnor
Findaráto: Finrod
Artanis: Galadriel
Additional dramatis locae:
Haloronti: Ered Wethrin (lit. “Shadowed Mountains”)
Ard-galen: Laiquarda (lit. “Green Region”)
Thánendor: Dorthonion
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