A Brief Early History of Avant-Garde Textile Art by zopyrus

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Chapter 1

Vairë the Weaver had several tapestry projects going at once, and Míriel Serindë disappeared from them all at the same time.  Works such as “Notable Noldorin Grammar Police,” “A Brief History of Avant-Garde Textile Art,” and “King Finwë’s Personal Life” were put on immediate and sudden hold, followed by extreme revisions—and, in some cases, a reworking of the color scheme.

It was a disappointment; Vairë had liked her.  But Vairë’s chief purpose was to bear witness to the deeds of the Living, not the Dead, so she did her best to put Míriel out of her thoughts—that is, until the former Queen of the Noldor appeared, uninvited and unannounced, in her workshop.

 “Why are you so hard to find?” said Míriel, disapprovingly. “Your husband keeps trying to interest me in talk therapy, but you are the one I really wanted to see.”

Vairë smiled.

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