To Build a House from the Ground Up by Nibeneth

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


After six thousand years in Mandos, Fingon and Maedhros rejoin the world. Nothing will ever be the same as it was, but a remote plot of land, a cabin, a garden, and a few animals are all they need.

Major Characters: Fingon, Maedhros

Major Relationships:

Genre: General, Romance, Slash/Femslash


Rating: Teens

Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2, 327
Posted on 13 August 2016 Updated on 13 August 2016

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on To Build a House from the Ground Up

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This is really good, it might happens this way. To adjust to the peace and to have all the time for just themselves,  without caring for lots of followers.

But if you read the little house stories, you should know, that even a good milk goat stands dry for some time *a86; smile*.

And the bee hive is surely taken from the film series? I remember Mrs Oleson and Nellie carrying it home to the wrong time of day...

Haha, you're right about milk goats! Some breeds can be good to milk for up to two years at a time before freshening, so let's say she's one of those. I actually never watched the Little House series, I just read the books. But I have kept bees before in real life and I remember that you're supposed to move them either in the evening or in the early morning when the bees are more calm.

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it!

I've already commented on AO3, but I liked this story so much I have to comment here again!.

I loved your insight on Maedhros and Fingon's new life in Aman, especially all the details of their daily life, and their interactions with the village inhabitants. And your Fingon is a jewel: how he fights for life, how he deals with Maedhros' guilt and regrets, how he cares for his lover and friend, how he sings to the animals...

Very well written, and a little bit bittersweet, but full of hope.

I read this on AO3 but found it here also. I just had to comment again. This is a lovely story. The commitment these two have to each other and this chance at happiness (finally) is so well done in this story. Your Fingon is brilliant--I just love him. Maedhros will recover with the wonderful support he gets from Fingon. Would love to see you write more about these two.