A Different Kind Of Peace by Tyelca

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Treason in Tharbad - Part I

Annatar has taken Celebrimbor prisoner.

It had been almost a hundred years since Celebrimbor last heard that deep and clear voice, the words carrying as if they were sung instead of spoken. The flap of the tent was thrown open and Celebrimbor laid eyes on the one person whom he’d trusted and who had betrayed him. For some reason he had expected to see a monster, a horrible mutilation of Morgoth that closed in on him. Instead Annatar was just like he remembered, with golden hair and golden eyes. He wore an armor created out of a black metal Celebrimbor didn’t recognize, but the style was clearly of Eldarin origin.

With a careless wave of his hand he dismissed the guards that stood watch in the prisoner’s tent - Orcs and Men who had chosen to ally themselves with Morgoth’s Lieutenant; Celebrimbor doubted they were aware of the true identity of their Lord.

Then Gorthaur stared down at him for a few moments, a curious expression on his face. His features, which not so long ago Celebrimbor could read effortlessly, were closed to him. Then he knelt down and his expression became once more familiar, and it was Annatar and not Gorthaur who looked at him. A pale hand rose and cupped his cheek, tracing the wounds there that were just beginning to scar.

“They’re healing nicely,” Annatar mumbled, more to himself than to Celebrimbor. The Eldar yanked his head away and dismay flitted over Annatar’s face before it reshaped into the familiar grin. And though he knows he is face to face with the Gorthaur, try as he might to convince himself otherwise, Celebrimbor’s mind still tells him this Maia is Annatar, who had been his closest friend for centuries, whom he’d entrusted with all his secrets and who had kept all of them faithfully. He did not understand how he could have missed this, how he had not suspected a thing before suddenly all sixteen Rings of Power they’d made together fell under the Shadow. Why had he been to proud to listen to the advice of all those who warned him for Annatar? How had he let himself get so caught up in Annatar’s net? How could he have been such a fool? Though he does know where the slight accent came from, now; the elongated vowels and sharper consonants are directly traceable to the Black Speech.

“Come now, Celebrimbor,” Annatar said, and there was not a trace of mockery in his voice. If he didn’t know better, Celebrimbor would almost have called the tone wistful. “You deceived me,” he said and his eyes were cold.

“Don’t you remember our very first meeting? Nothing what I said was untrue.”

“That in itself proves my point. Our very first meeting was not in my office, as you are very well aware,” Celebrimbor snarled. “It was during the War of Wrath on the plains of Anfauglith that we crossed blades for a short moment; I should have recognized you when you came wandering into my city!”

“In every lie there is a grain of truth,”Annatar replied breezily. More seriously he continued, “But you didn’t recognize me because I did not want you to,” Annatar responded and his tone was molten gold, intended to bedazzle and persuade. Celebrimbor was not fooled for a second. “There is a reason you did not fall under my blade then and there,” Annatar continued. “With the Host of Valinor encamped before Angband’s Gate, I felt it wise to leave open a few options, as it were.” He grinned. “You were Doomed and Dispossessed anyway; nothing of your fate is of my making.”Celebrimbor stared at his captor in veiled horror, but a glint of gold around Annatar’s finger caught his eye and averted his mind. Certainly, Annatar had always loved his gold and his jewelry, and in hindsight Celebrimbor wasn’t at all surprised he had chosen a ring of all things as a focus for his power, but he always wore multiple bands around his fingers. Annatar followed Celebrimbor’s gaze to the single golden ring that adorned his right index finger. His face relaxed minutely as he saw the band, but then he raised his eyes and looked straight at Celebrimbor again. The eyes, the same hue of gold as the ring, pierced into his thoughts but Celebrimbor was fairly certain Annatar would not find what he was looking for.

Chapter End Notes

Since the Battle of the Gwathló, where Sauron was defeated during the War of the Elves and Sauron, took place in/near Tharbad, I assume Tharbad was at least momentarily under Sauron's control.

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