Stolen Evenings by Tyelca

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Fanwork Notes

For the Just and Old-Fashioned Love Song challenge in July, 2017.

Each chapter will contain a pairing, sharing an evening together. Some of them will be AU, some canon.

Fanwork Information


A collection of short stories, each one focusing on a different pairing sharing one (stolen) evening.

Major Characters: Caranthir, Celegorm, Haleth, Huan, Lúthien Tinúviel

Major Relationships:

Genre: Alternate Universe, Romance

Challenges: Just an Old-Fashioned Love Song

Rating: General


Chapters: 2 Word Count: 1, 515
Posted on 10 August 2017 Updated on 5 September 2017

This fanwork is a work in progress.

Show all chapters on a single page

Table of Contents

The song I Want To Spend My Lifetime Loving You by Tina Arena and Marc Anthony was used as inspiration for this chapter.

Note: Tyelcormo is the Quenya and original version of Celegorm.

Caranthir and Haleth, an evening in the very beginning of their relationship.

Slightly AU.

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