Companions by Zdenka

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Chapter 3


Haleth faces another Elf-lord, this one golden-haired instead of dark. “Thingol, king of Doriath, rules these lands,” he explains earnestly. “He is uneasy about having Men settled in Brethil, but I have told him—”

“We will not bow to any lord,” Haleth says. “We rule ourselves.” Her spear-women stand in a ring behind her. Those who have followed Haleth this far will not waver.

“And if he does not ask for your submission and fealty, but only that you defend these lands from the Orcs?”

Haleth considers him for a long moment. “Yes,” she says at last. “That will do.”

Domestic Arrangements

“But if I move into your house,” Ildis says, “if I live with you, there will be gossip.”

“You wish it, Ildis, do you not?” Haleth’s voice is uncharacteristically gentle. She reaches over to stroke Ildis’s hair. Ildis sighs and leans against her hand.

“I wish nothing more,” she says truthfully. She captures one of Haleth’s thick brown braids in turn and twines it through her fingers, with a thrill of secret delight.

“Do you think they will question my actions?” Haleth asks mildly.

Ildis feels sudden laughter bubbling up in her chest. “No,” she says. “No, I do not.”


“I grieve to hear of it,” the golden-haired Elf says. His name is Finrod, and Haleth eventually admitted to Ildis that she found him less arrogant than the others.

“I am weary, Ildis,” Haleth said, she who never seemed to tire. They were seated together beneath their favorite tree, and the breeze tugged strands of hair from Haleth’s grey braids. She laid her hand on the springy moss. “When I am gone, bury me here.”

Ildis still cannot believe that Haleth’s indomitable spirit has left the world. “No Orc will trouble her resting-place,” she says fiercely. “They would not dare.”

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