Companions by Zdenka

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Chapter 2

Written for the femslashficlets Language of Flowers prompt table challenge: dahlia, meaning "commitment to another person or an ideal."

After the first attack of giant spiders, there was murmuring among the Haladin, some asking if they should go back to safer lands. Haleth said only, “We go on.” The murmurs died in the face of her certainty.

Haleth saw the wounded tended to and ordered fires lit– “Better to see what’s coming at us, even if it risks drawing more of them—” and stood alone at the edge of the circle, looking outward.

Ildis went to her with water and a clean cloth. “Let me clean that,” she said with a nod at the scratch along Haleth’s arm, gotten from a particularly formidable briar. “The plants could be poisonous here also.” Haleth silently held out her arm.

Ildis gently pulled back Haleth’s tattered sleeve. As always, she felt her heart beating faster at Haleth’s closeness, from touching her skin even briefly. Even in worn clothing, tired and dirty, with strands of brown hair coming loose from her braids, Haleth was magnificent. She could never be otherwise. Ildis longed foolishly to touch those braids, to lean closer and rest her face against Haleth’s shoulder.

Haleth did not seem to notice her distraction. Better if she did not—as chief, Haleth would have to wed, soon or late—and what hope did Ildis have of drawing Haleth’s eye? She ignored the familiar ache in her chest at the thought and carried out her task without allowing herself to linger. Yet I will follow you, Haleth Haldad’s daughter, until death takes me.

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