A Place in Time by Nienna

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Don't Let the Light Go Out


Galadriel, Lúthien and all associated characters, places etc... belong to J.R.R.Tolkien.

”Don’t let the light go out” is a quote from Light One Candle by Peter, Paul and Mary.

This ficlet was very loosely inspired by the song Sister Gypsy by Blackmore's Night.

    When I first saw her, she was all starlight and shadows, though in the broad daylight. It was like she had her own light-source, so different from the harshness of the Sun, more akin to the already ancient days before the Darkening. The Brightening is more like it, the sharp Brightening, from which nothing can hide. 

The memory of home she brought with her made a lump in my throat. But she defied the atmosphere, twisted it around her into a cloak of her own making. And if she did, so could I. 

     I pulled from every fiber of my being, and every particle around me. I wove the strings so tight you could not tell they were strings. The world was much changed, since I knew her. I leave this place now.

I see in my granddaughter the last glimpse of her light.

Chapter End Notes

This was supposed to be for the prompt “victory against difficult odds.” It doesn’t fit too well, hopefully some other responses will fit better.

I will be attempting to write and post something for the next 7 days. Therefore, it won’t be as “checked over” or certain that I’m happy with it as I normally would before posting, as my goal is to just get something done each day. These may be edited later. Titles are subject to change:)

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